create or replace procedure prc_test123 is
temp_columns varchar2(4000);
sqltemp varchar(20000);
cursor cur is select table_name from user_tables a where a.table_name like 'ZY%';
c_row cur%rowtype;
cursor t_cur(tablename varchar2) is select column_name from user_tab_columns a where a.table_name=tablename order BY column_name;
--type table_cur_type is ref cursor;
primaryLKey varchar2(20);
for c_row in cur loop
for t_c_row in t_cur(c_row.table_name) loop
if temp_columns is null or temp_columns='' then
end if;
end loop;
select column_name into primaryLKey from user_cons_columns cu,
user_constraints au where cu.constraint_name = au.constraint_name and au.constraint_type = 'P' and au.table_name =c_row.table_name;
sqltemp:='insert into '||c_row.table_name ||' a ('||temp_columns||') SELECT '||temp_columns||' from data_manage.'||c_row.table_name ||' b where not exists(select 1 from '||c_row.table_name ||' c where c.'||primaryLKey||'=b.'||primaryLKey||')';
execute immediate sqltemp;
sqltemp:='update '||c_row.table_name ||' a set ('||temp_columns||') = (SELECT '||temp_columns||' from data_manage.'||c_row.table_name ||' b where b.'||primaryLKey||'=a.'||primaryLKey||') where exists(select 1 from data_manage.'||c_row.table_name||' y where a.'||primaryLKey||'=y.'||primaryLKey||')';
execute immediate sqltemp;
end loop;



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