React 为在有限的资源情况下,更好地控制UI的更新,提出了时间分片的概念。以达到三个目标:

  performing non-blocking rendering(无阻塞渲染);applying updates based on the priority(根据优先级渲染);pre-rendering content in the background(预渲染)。

  React 遍历Dom Tree:

  1. updates state and props(更新状态和属性)

  2. calls lifecycle hooks(执行生命周期回调函数)

  3. retrieves the children from the component(找到子组件)

  4. compares them to the previous children (对子组件进行diff)

  5. figures out the dom updates the need to be performed(找出变更,执行dom操作)

  when dealing with UIs, the problem is that if too much work is executed all at once ,it can cause animations to drap frames。(当在有太多内容要更新时,会出现掉帧的现象,即卡顿,更新跟不上浏览器的刷新速度)

  if react is going to walk the entire tree of components synchromously and perform work for each component ,it may run over 16ms available for an application code to execute its logic 。And this will cause frames to drop causing stuttering visual effects.



  requestAnimationFrame 是浏览器用于定时循环操作的一个接口,类似于setTimeout,主要用途是按帧对网页进行重绘。设置这个API的目的是为了让各种网页动画(



       // 可用时间 & 是否有可用时间
     console.log(deadline.timeRemaining(),deadline.didTimeOut)     })  //timieRemaining can change as soon as browser gets some work to do,so it should be constanly checked。





  为了使用这些API,需要把整个tree的渲染工作划分为可逐渐递增的单元。同时为了达到这个目标,React需要重新实现遍历树的算法,从之前的依赖内部调用栈的同步递归模型转向通过指针链接链表的异步模型。原因在于如果依赖内部调用栈,遍历更新的工作会一直进行直到调用栈为空。React Filter的目标在于把一次连续的树的遍历操作变为可单步执行的栈的片段,以达到无阻塞渲染和优先级渲染的目的。



  React Fiber采用邻接链表树遍历算法来代替递归遍历。

// 结构体
class Node{
this.instance = instance;
this.child = null; // fisrt child
this.sibling = null; // first sibling
this.return = null; // parent
} function link(parent,elements){
if(elements === null) elements =[];
parent.child = elements.reduceRight((previous,current)=>{
const node = new Node(current);
node.return = parent;
node.sibling = previous;
return node;
return parent.child
// the function iterates over the array of nodes starting from the last one and links them //together in a singly linked list. It returns the reference
// to the first sibling in the list
function doWork(node){
  const children = node.instance.render()
  return link(node,children)
//it's parent first,depth-first implementation
function walk(o){
let root = o;
let current = o;
let child = doWork(current);
     current = child
    if(current === root){
     return ;
      if(!current.return || current.return === root){
      current = current.return;
// Fiber is re-implementation of the stack,specialized for React components.You can think of a //single fiber as a virtual stackframe
// we can stop the traversal at any time and resume to it later.That's exactly the condition we //wanted to achieve to be able to use the new
// requestIdleCallback API
  function workLoop(isYieldy){
      while(nextUnitOfWork !== null){
        nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork)
      while(nextUnitOfWork !== null && !shouldYiels()){
        nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork)
// nextUnitOfWork 变量作为顶部帧,保留对当前Fiber节点的引用。函数shouldYield返回基于//deadlineDidExpire和deadline变量的结果,这些变量在React为Fiber节点执行
// 工作时不停的更新

  react更新UI,要做的所有操作都是Fiber的要做工作。work的类型依据元素的类型。在协调期间,每个从render 函数返回的react节点,会被合并到fiber节点树中。每一个react节点都有对应的fiber节点,不同的是,fiber并不会在每次重新render之后,重新创建。fiber节点其实是可变的数据结构保存了组件的状态的dom结构。每个fiber可以认为代表了不同类型的工作要做。这使得fiber可以根据优先级进行渲染。






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