



$ TMalign out.pdb origin.pdb

* TM-align (Version 20220412): protein structure alignment *
* References: Y Zhang, J Skolnick. Nucl Acids Res 33, 2302-9 (2005) *
* Please email comments and suggestions to yangzhanglab@umich.edu *
********************************************************************* Name of Chain_1: out.pdb (to be superimposed onto Chain_2)
Name of Chain_2: origin.pdb
Length of Chain_1: 207 residues
Length of Chain_2: 207 residues Aligned length= 207, RMSD= 0.00, Seq_ID=n_identical/n_aligned= 1.000
TM-score= 1.00000 (if normalized by length of Chain_1, i.e., LN=207, d0=5.35)
TM-score= 1.00000 (if normalized by length of Chain_2, i.e., LN=207, d0=5.35)


$ g++ -static -O3 -ffast-math -lm -o TMalign TMalign.cpp


$ ll
总用量 3036
drwxrwxr-x 2 dechin dechin 4096 5月 6 13:58 ./
drwxrwxr-x 11 dechin dechin 4096 5月 6 13:57 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dechin dechin 7387 5月 6 13:58 readme.c++.txt
-rwxrwxr-x 1 dechin dechin 2904224 5月 6 13:59 TMalign*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dechin dechin 182097 5月 6 13:57 TMalign.cpp



$ sudo ln -s /home/dechin/tools/TMalign/TMalign /usr/bin/TMalign


$ TMalign 

* TM-align (Version 20220412): protein structure alignment *
* References: Y Zhang, J Skolnick. Nucl Acids Res 33, 2302-9 (2005) *
* Please email comments and suggestions to yangzhanglab@umich.edu *
********************************************************************* Usage: TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb [Options] Options:
-u TM-score normalized by user assigned length (the same as -L)
warning: it should be >= minimum length of the two structures
otherwise, TM-score may be >1 -a TM-score normalized by the average length of two structures
T or F, (default F) -i Start with an alignment specified in fasta file 'align.txt' -I Stick to the alignment specified in 'align.txt' -m Output TM-align rotation matrix -d TM-score scaled by an assigned d0, e.g. 5 Angstroms -o Output the superposition to 'TM_sup*'
$ TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -o TM_sup
View superposed C-alpha traces of aligned regions by RasMol or PyMOL:
$ rasmol -script TM_sup
$ pymol -d @TM_sup.pml
View superposed C-alpha traces of all regions:
$ rasmol -script TM_sup_all
$ pymol -d @TM_sup_all.pml
View superposed full-atom structures of aligned regions:
$ rasmol -script TM_sup_atm
$ pymol -d @TM_sup_atm.pml
View superposed full-atom structures of all regions:
$ rasmol -script TM_sup_all_atm
$ pymol -d @TM_sup_all_atm.pml
View superposed full-atom structures and ligands of all regions
$ rasmol -script TM_sup_all_atm_lig
$ pymol -d @TM_sup_all_atm_lig.pml -fast Fast but slightly inaccurate alignment by fTM-align algorithm -cp Alignment with circular permutation -v Print the version of TM-align -h Print the full help message, including additional options (Options -u, -a, -d, -o will not change the final structure alignment) Example usages:
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -u 100 -d 5.0
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -a T -o PDB1.sup
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -i align.txt
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -m matrix.txt
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -fast
TMalign PDB1.pdb PDB2.pdb -cp


编译安装源代码为可执行文件时,有时候会遇到想把可执行文件放在特定的路径下的问题,比如放到/usr/bin目录下,这样可以全局可调用,又不需要手动添加各种乱七八糟的系统路径。这就需要使用到Linux中的软链接的功能,通常使用ln -s的指令即可。本文顺带介绍了蛋白质结构评分软件TMalign的源码下载和安装使用的基本方法,编译成一个可执行文件后,可以建立一个软链接,在系统各处都可以使用,是一个比较基础的操作。










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