
SELECT * FROM d_device_user_bind dub WHERE dub.`uid`='222222222221'


SELECT dub.uid,dub.`device_id`,IF(IFNULL(dub.`device_id`,2)=2, 2, 1) isActivate FROM d_device_user_bind dub WHERE dub.del_flag=0 ORDER BY dub.`create_time` DESC LIMIT 8;

换一个语句:  SELECT dub.uid,dub.`device_id`,IF(dub.`device_id` IS NULL OR dub.`device_id`='', 2, 1) isActivate FROM d_device_user_bind dub WHERE dub.del_flag=0 ORDER BY dub.`create_time` DESC LIMIT 8;

再一个写法: SELECT dub.uid,dub.`device_id`,IF(ISNULL(dub.`device_id`), 2, 1) isActivate FROM d_device_user_bind dub WHERE dub.del_flag=0 ORDER BY dub.`create_time` DESC LIMIT 8;



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