TensorFlow Frontend前端


Supported versions:

  • 1.12 and below

Tested models:

  • Inception (V1/V2/V3/V4)
  • Resnet (All)
  • Mobilenet (V1/V2 All)
  • Vgg (16/19)
  • BERT (Base/3-layer)

Preparing a Model for Inference准备推理模型

Remove Unneeded Nodes删除不需要的节点


Convert None Dimensions to Constants将无尺寸Dimensions转换为常数





import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.tools.graph_transforms import TransformGraph

def export_pb(session):

with tf.gfile.GFile("myexportedmodel.pb", "wb") as f:

inputs = ["myinput1", "myinput2"] # replace with your input names

outputs = ["myoutput1"] # replace with your output names

graph_def = session.graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True)

graph_def = tf.graph.util.convert_variables_to_constants(session, graph_def, outputs)

graph_def = TransformGraph(





"remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics, op=StopGradient)",

"sort_by_execution_order", # sort by execution order after each transform to ensure correct node ordering














Another method is to export and freeze the graph.

Import the Model

Explicit Shape:


Data Layout


Best Practices

  • 使用静态张量形状代替动态形状(删除`None`尺寸)。
  • `TensorArray`目前尚不支持使用静态RNN代替动态RNN。

Supported Ops

  • Abs
  • Add
  • AddN
  • All
  • Any
  • ArgMax
  • ArgMin
  • AvgPool
  • BatchMatMul
  • BatchMatMulV2
  • BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization
  • BatchToSpaceND
  • BiasAdd
  • BroadcastTo
  • Cast
  • Ceil
  • CheckNumerics
  • ClipByValue
  • Concat
  • ConcatV2
  • Conv2D
  • Cos
  • Tan
  • CropAndResize
  • DecodeJpeg
  • DepthwiseConv2dNative
  • DepthToSpace
  • Dilation2D
  • Equal
  • Elu
  • Enter
  • Erf
  • Exit
  • Exp
  • ExpandDims
  • Fill
  • Floor
  • FloorDiv
  • FloorMod
  • FusedBatchNorm
  • FusedBatchNormV2
  • Gather
  • GatherNd
  • GatherV2
  • Greater
  • GreaterEqual
  • Identity
  • IsFinite
  • IsInf
  • IsNan
  • LeakyRelu
  • LeftShift
  • Less
  • LessEqual
  • Log
  • Log1p
  • LoopCond
  • LogicalAnd
  • LogicalOr
  • LogicalNot
  • LogSoftmax
  • LRN
  • LSTMBlockCell
  • MatMul
  • Max
  • MaxPool
  • Maximum
  • Mean
  • Merge
  • Min
  • Minimum
  • MirrorPad
  • Mod
  • Mul
  • Neg
  • NextIteration
  • NotEqual
  • OneHot
  • Pack
  • Pad
  • PadV2
  • Pow
  • Prod
  • Range
  • Rank
  • RealDiv
  • Relu
  • Relu6
  • Reshape
  • ResizeBilinear
  • ResizeBicubic
  • ResizeNearestNeighbor
  • ReverseV2
  • RightShift
  • Round
  • Rsqrt
  • Select
  • Selu
  • Shape
  • Sigmoid
  • Sign
  • Sin
  • Size
  • Slice
  • Softmax
  • Softplus
  • SpaceToBatchND
  • SpaceToDepth,
  • Split
  • SplitV
  • Sqrt
  • Square
  • SquareDifference
  • Squeeze
  • StridedSlice
  • Sub
  • Sum
  • Switch
  • Tanh
  • TensorArrayV3
  • TensorArrayScatterV3
  • TensorArrayGatherV3
  • TensorArraySizeV3
  • TensorArrayWriteV3
  • TensorArrayReadV3
  • TensorArraySplitV3
  • TensorArrayConcatV3
  • Tile
  • TopKV2
  • Transpose
  • TruncateMod
  • Unpack
  • UnravelIndex
  • Where
  • ZerosLike


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