#干掉运行中的tomcat  results=把结果赋值给变量,可以保证命令上条执行完再执行下一条
#也可以用这句简单的代码按进程名kill: ps -ef | grep 进程名 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
results=`ps -ef|grep tomcat|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'`
echo -e 'tomcat PID: ' ${results}
for i in ${results}
kill -9 $i
echo -e "Kill the tomcat process [ $i ]"
results=`ps -ef|grep tomcat|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'`
echo -e 'tomcat PID: ' ${results}
dqsj=`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"`
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/apps /home/gb/old/apps6001_${dqsj}`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_tslx/apps /home/gb/old/appstslx_${dqsj}`
echo -e ${results}
echo -e 'back-up /tomcat/apps/ /home/gb/old/ OK'
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/logs/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/logs/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/logs/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/logs/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_tslx/logs/*`
echo -e ${results}
echo -e 'delete /tomcat/logs/* OK'
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/work/Catalina/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/work/Catalina/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/work/Catalina/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/work/Catalina/*`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/rm -rf /home/tomcat-7.0.85_tslx/work/Catalina/*`
echo -e ${results}
echo -e 'delete /tomcat/work/Catalina/* OK'
#拷贝工程 节点6001
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfpt.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpj.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptmu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
#拷贝工程 节点6002
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfpt.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpj.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptmu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
#拷贝工程 节点6003
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfpt.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpj.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptmu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
#拷贝工程 节点6004
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfpt.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpj.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptpu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfptmu.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
#拷贝工程 节点6005
results=`/bin/cp -rf /home/gb/new/sfpttslx.war /home/tomcat-7.0.85_tslx/apps/`
echo -e ${results}
echo -e 'Copy /home/gb/new/ /tomcat/apps/ OK'
results=`bash  /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6001/bin/startup.sh`
echo -e   ${results}
results=`bash  /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6002/bin/startup.sh`
echo -e   ${results}
results=`bash  /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6003/bin/startup.sh`
echo -e   ${results}
results=`bash  /home/tomcat-7.0.85_6004/bin/startup.sh`
echo -e   ${results}
results=`bash  /home/tomcat-7.0.85_tslx/bin/startup.sh`
echo -e   ${results}
echo -e 'startup OK'
results=`ps -ef|grep tomcat|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'`
echo -e 'tomcat PID: ' ${results}
dqsj=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
echo -e  'endTime ' ${dqsj}


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