

    // 摘要:
// Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index.
// Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.To browse the .NET
// Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.
// 类型参数:
// T:
// The type of elements in the list.
[DebuggerDisplay("Count = {Count}")]
public class List<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IList, ICollection, IReadOnlyList<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable
// 摘要:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Collections.Generic.List<T> class
// that is empty and has the default initial capacity.
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")]
public List();
// 摘要:
// Initializes a new instance of the System.Collections.Generic.List<T> class
// that contains elements copied from the specified collection and has sufficient
// capacity to accommodate the number of elements copied.
// 参数:
// collection:
// The collection whose elements are copied to the new list.
// 异常:
// System.ArgumentNullException:
// collection is null.
public List(IEnumerable<T> collection);


<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>/// <summary>
/// 通过集合使用
/// </summary>
/// <param name="needSearchList"></param>
/// <param name="areaid"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<AreaLineInfoModel> UseSetSearchCollection(List<AreaLineInfoModel> needSearchList, int areaid)
if (needSearchList == null || !needSearchList.Any()) return null;
const int area15 = 15;
var area15List = new List<AreaLineInfoModel>();
const int area16 = 16;
var area16List = new List<AreaLineInfoModel>();
const int area17 = 17;
var area17List = new List<AreaLineInfoModel>();
m =>
if (m.AreaIdList.Contains(area15)) area15List.Add(m);
if (m.AreaIdList.Contains(area16)) area16List.Add(m);
if (m.AreaIdList.Contains(area17)) area17List.Add(m);
if (areaid == area15) return area15List.Union(area16List).Union(area17List).ToList();
if (areaid == area16) return area16List.Union(area15List).Union(area17List).ToList();
if (areaid == area17) return area17List.Union(area15List).Union(area16List).ToList();
return null;


namespace System.Linq
public static class Enumerable
public static IEnumerable<TSource> Union<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> first, IEnumerable<TSource> second) {
if (first == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("first");
if (second == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("second");
return UnionIterator<TSource>(first, second, null);


    public interface IFreshList<T>
{ } public static class testjinni
public static IFreshList<TSource> Union<TSource>(this IFreshList<TSource> first, IFreshList<TSource> second)
return second;
} public class MyList<T> : IFreshList<T>
} public class use
public void meth()
var temiList=new MyList<int>();
var mdaidnnf = new MyList<int>();



public static class ExtendExt
  public static void FuncExt(this object obj)
    int b = 0;

msdn是这样规定扩展方法的:“扩展方法被定义为静态方法,但它们是通过实例方法语法进行调用的。 它们的第一个参数指定该方法作用于哪个

类型,并且该参数以 this 修饰符为前缀。”通俗的说就是,扩展方法跟静态类的名称无关,只需要在一个静态类里面定义一个静态方法,第一个参数必须this T开头,



本质上来说: 扩展方法是破坏原来的层次结构,通过网络结构加快业务逻辑处理;








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