In this lesson you will learn to say your phone number and address.  这节课讲学习说你的手机号码和地址。


# 询问三个关于tutor的问题

How many class do you today?  你今天有多少课?

How did you go to Meten?你是怎么去的美联?

What do you usually have for dinner ? 你经常吃晚餐吃什么食物?

What did you have for dinner last night ?  你昨晚吃的什么?

# How ask About Person Information?


What's your name?   What's your English name or other name? 你的名字是什么? 你的英文名或者其他名字?

Why do you call youselfe ...?  为什么你叫自己为...

What is the special meaning of your name? 你名字的特殊含义是什么?

When I was young ,I had a manhwa book(Korea Manga book), In this book,descript a Assassin's master name is Loki. The book name is 《Ragnarok (manhwa)》


How old are you?


What is your job?  你的工作是什么?

What do you do ?   你是做什么的?

How long have you work? 你工作多久了?

Where do you work? 你在哪里上班?

When do you go to work?你什么时候去工作?

I go to work by bus and subway


How many people are they in your family?

Who are they?

Is your bother/sister young or oder?


What's your hobby?

like or dislike

What do you usually like to do on weekends?

What do you usually like to do on freetime?

What do you like to drink in a bar?

What do you like kind of music?

I like play games, listen to music, watch movie, eat delicious foods...etc.

词汇(Key Word )

dumpling  水饺

wonton  抄手

noodle  面条

rice noodle 米线

destiny  缘分;命运;定数;天命

Assassinator n. 刺客;暗杀者

Assassin  n. 刺客,暗杀者

district  n. 区域;地方;行政区

Ragnarok  仙境传说;诸神黄昏;世界毁灭

manga  漫画

anime  动漫

sci-fi  科幻

cocktail  鸡尾酒

red wine  红酒


It's depnds  看情况

used to do  过去常常,过去曾经;过去常常做某事

I used to jogging ,but now I don't


Loki - You arrived well prepared for the lesson, you completed all the lesson tasks very well and your pronunciation was good. You also spoke confidently! Well done!


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