
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

Dependency management#

Composer is not a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt are. Yes, it deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-project basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. vendor) inside your project. By default it does not install anything globally. Thus, it is a dependency manager. It does however support a "global" project for convenience via the global command.

This idea is not new and Composer is strongly inspired by node's npm and ruby's bundler.


  1. You have a project that depends on a number of libraries.
  2. Some of those libraries depend on other libraries.


  1. Enables you to declare the libraries you depend on.
  2. Finds out which versions of which packages can and need to be installed, and installs them (meaning it downloads them into your project).


Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
版权所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。 C:\Users\Administrator>cd\ C:\>composer
/ ____/___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ________ _____
/ / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ (__ ) __/ /
\____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\____/____/\___/_/
Composer version 1.2.0 2016-07-19 01:28:52 Usage:
command [options] [arguments] Options:
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
--profile Display timing and memory usage information
--no-plugins Whether to disable plugins.
-d, --working-dir=WORKING-DIR If specified, use the given directory as workin
g directory.
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for norma
l output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands:
about Short information about Composer
archive Create an archive of this composer package
browse Opens the package's repository URL or homepage in your browser
clear-cache Clears composer's internal package cache.
clearcache Clears composer's internal package cache.
config Set config options
create-project Create new project from a package into given directory.
depends Shows which packages cause the given package to be installed
diagnose Diagnoses the system to identify common errors.
dump-autoload Dumps the autoloader
dumpautoload Dumps the autoloader
exec Execute a vendored binary/script
global Allows running commands in the global composer dir ($COMPOSER_
help Displays help for a command
home Opens the package's repository URL or homepage in your browser
info Show information about packages
init Creates a basic composer.json file in current directory.
install Installs the project dependencies from the composer.lock file
if present, or falls back on the composer.json.
licenses Show information about licenses of dependencies
list Lists commands
outdated Shows a list of installed packages that have updates available
, including their latest version.
prohibits Shows which packages prevent the given package from being inst
remove Removes a package from the require or require-dev
require Adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them run-script Run the scripts defined in composer.json.
search Search for packages
self-update Updates composer.phar to the latest version.
selfupdate Updates composer.phar to the latest version.
show Show information about packages
status Show a list of locally modified packages
suggests Show package suggestions
update Updates your dependencies to the latest version according to c
omposer.json, and updates the composer.lock file.
validate Validates a composer.json and composer.lock
why Shows which packages cause the given package to be installed
why-not Shows which packages prevent the given package from being inst
alled C:\>



3-composer create-project  \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel prefer-dist


D:\>composer create-project  \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel prefer-dist

Could not find package \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel with stability stable. create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--r
epository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no
-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vc
s] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<package>] [<directory>] [<vers
ion>] D:\>



Create a new  directory anywhere in your system for your new Laravel project.
After that, move to path where you have created the new directory and type the following command there to install Laravel.
composer create-project laravel/laravel –prefer-distStep

 D:\>composer create-project  \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel-master

Could not find package \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel-master with stability sta
ble. create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--r
epository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no
-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vc
s] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<package>] [<directory>] [<vers
ion>] D:\>cd\D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel
文件名、目录名或卷标语法不正确。 D:\>cd \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>composer create-project laravel/laravel –prefer-di
Installing laravel/laravel (v5.2.31)
- Installing laravel/laravel (v5.2.31)
Downloading: 100% Created project in –prefer-dist
> php -r "copy('.env.example', '.env');"
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing vlucas/phpdotenv (v2.3.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/translation (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/routing (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/process (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-util (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v3.1.3)
Downloading: 100% - Installing psr/log (1.0.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/debug (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/finder (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/console (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.4.3)
Downloading: 100% - Installing jakub-onderka/php-console-color (0.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter (v0.3.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing dnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir (0.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing nikic/php-parser (v2.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing psy/psysh (v0.7.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v1.4.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing nesbot/carbon (1.21.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing mtdowling/cron-expression (v1.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing monolog/monolog (1.21.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing league/flysystem (1.0.27)
Downloading: 100% - Installing jeremeamia/superclosure (2.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing doctrine/inflector (v1.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing classpreloader/classpreloader (3.0.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing laravel/framework (v5.2.43)
Downloading: 100% - Installing fzaninotto/faker (v1.6.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v1.2.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing mockery/mockery (0.9.5)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/yaml (v3.1.3)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/version (1.0.6)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/global-state (1.1.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (1.0.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/exporter (1.2.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/environment (1.3.7)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/diff (1.4.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/comparator (1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.0.5)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (2.3.8)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.8)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.4.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (1.4.8)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.2.4)
Downloading: 100% - Installing webmozart/assert (1.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (0.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (3.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpspec/prophecy (v1.6.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.8.27)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/css-selector (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% symfony/var-dumper suggests installing ext-symfony_debug ()
symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotati
on loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/config (For using the all-in-one rou
ter or any loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection (For loading ro
utes from a service)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expre
ssion matching)
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/browser-kit ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pcntl (Enabling the PCNTL extension makes PsyS
H a lot happier :))
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-posix (If you have PCNTL, you'll want the POSI
X extension as well.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-readline (Enables support for arrow-key histor
y navigation, and showing and manipulating command history.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pdo-sqlite (The doc command requires SQLite to
paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern cry
pto API that can be used to generate random bytes.)
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages
to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages
to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an A
MQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a M
ongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log message
s to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing mongodb/mongodb (Allow sending log messages
to a MongoDB server via PHP Driver)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-amqplib/php-amqplib (Allow sending log m
essages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-console/php-console (Allow sending log m
essages to Google Chrome)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages
to Rollbar)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages
to an Elastic Search server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing sentry/sentry (Allow sending log messages to
a Sentry server)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v2 (Allows you to u
se S3 storage with AWS SDK v2)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (Allows you to u
se S3 storage with AWS SDK v3)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-azure (Allows you to use W
indows Azure Blob storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-cached-adapter (Flysystem
adapter decorator for metadata caching)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-copy (Allows you to use Co storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-dropbox (Allows you to use
Dropbox storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem (Allo
ws you to use EventableFilesystem)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-rackspace (Allows you to u
se Rackspace Cloud Files)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-sftp (Allows you to use SF
TP server storage via phpseclib)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-webdav (Allows you to use
WebDAV storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-ziparchive (Allows you to
use ZipArchive adapter)
laravel/framework suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Required to use the SQS q
ueue driver and SES mail driver (~3.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing doctrine/dbal (Required to rename columns
and drop SQLite columns (~2.4).)
laravel/framework suggests installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (Required to use the Mai
lgun and Mandrill mail drivers and the ping methods on schedules (~5.3|~6.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (Required to us
e the Flysystem S3 driver (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing league/flysystem-rackspace (Required to us
e the Flysystem Rackspace driver (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing pda/pheanstalk (Required to use the beanst
alk queue driver (~3.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing predis/predis (Required to use the redis c
ache and queue drivers (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing pusher/pusher-php-server (Required to use
the Pusher broadcast driver (~2.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing symfony/psr-http-message-bridge (Required
to psr7 bridging features (0.2.*).)
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (>=2.2.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
Generating optimized class loader
> php artisan key:generate
Application key [base64:mRxA2pP+BqMBfBZULlAu6FmoDy77SLzo9wGnaeNi5AQ=] set succes
sfully. D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>
 create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--r
epository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no
-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vc
s] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<package>] [<directory>] [<vers
ion>] D:\>cd\D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel
文件名、目录名或卷标语法不正确。 D:\>cd \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>composer create-project laravel/laravel –prefer-di
Installing laravel/laravel (v5.2.31)
- Installing laravel/laravel (v5.2.31)
Downloading: 100% Created project in –prefer-dist
> php -r "copy('.env.example', '.env');"
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing vlucas/phpdotenv (v2.3.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/translation (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/routing (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/process (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-util (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v3.1.3)
Downloading: 100% - Installing psr/log (1.0.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/debug (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/finder (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/console (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.4.3)
Downloading: 100% - Installing jakub-onderka/php-console-color (0.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing jakub-onderka/php-console-highlighter (v0.3.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing dnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir (0.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing nikic/php-parser (v2.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing psy/psysh (v0.7.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v1.4.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing nesbot/carbon (1.21.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing mtdowling/cron-expression (v1.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing monolog/monolog (1.21.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing league/flysystem (1.0.27)
Downloading: 100% - Installing jeremeamia/superclosure (2.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing doctrine/inflector (v1.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing classpreloader/classpreloader (3.0.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing laravel/framework (v5.2.43)
Downloading: 100% - Installing fzaninotto/faker (v1.6.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing hamcrest/hamcrest-php (v1.2.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing mockery/mockery (0.9.5)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/yaml (v3.1.3)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/version (1.0.6)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/global-state (1.1.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (1.0.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/exporter (1.2.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/environment (1.3.7)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/diff (1.4.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing sebastian/comparator (1.2.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.0.5)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (2.3.8)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.8)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.4.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (1.4.8)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.2.4)
Downloading: 100% - Installing webmozart/assert (1.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (0.2)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (3.1.0)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpspec/prophecy (v1.6.1)
Downloading: 100% - Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.8.27)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/css-selector (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% - Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v3.0.9)
Downloading: 100% symfony/var-dumper suggests installing ext-symfony_debug ()
symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotati
on loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/config (For using the all-in-one rou
ter or any loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection (For loading ro
utes from a service)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expre
ssion matching)
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/browser-kit ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/config ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pcntl (Enabling the PCNTL extension makes PsyS
H a lot happier :))
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-posix (If you have PCNTL, you'll want the POSI
X extension as well.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-readline (Enables support for arrow-key histor
y navigation, and showing and manipulating command history.)
psy/psysh suggests installing ext-pdo-sqlite (The doc command requires SQLite to
paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern cry
pto API that can be used to generate random bytes.)
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages
to AWS services like DynamoDB)
monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages
to a CouchDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an A
MQP server (1.0+ required))
monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a M
ongoDB server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log message
s to a GrayLog2 server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing mongodb/mongodb (Allow sending log messages
to a MongoDB server via PHP Driver)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-amqplib/php-amqplib (Allow sending log m
essages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib)
monolog/monolog suggests installing php-console/php-console (Allow sending log m
essages to Google Chrome)
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages
to Rollbar)
monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages
to an Elastic Search server)
monolog/monolog suggests installing sentry/sentry (Allow sending log messages to
a Sentry server)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v2 (Allows you to u
se S3 storage with AWS SDK v2)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (Allows you to u
se S3 storage with AWS SDK v3)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-azure (Allows you to use W
indows Azure Blob storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-cached-adapter (Flysystem
adapter decorator for metadata caching)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-copy (Allows you to use Co storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-dropbox (Allows you to use
Dropbox storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-eventable-filesystem (Allo
ws you to use EventableFilesystem)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-rackspace (Allows you to u
se Rackspace Cloud Files)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-sftp (Allows you to use SF
TP server storage via phpseclib)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-webdav (Allows you to use
WebDAV storage)
league/flysystem suggests installing league/flysystem-ziparchive (Allows you to
use ZipArchive adapter)
laravel/framework suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Required to use the SQS q
ueue driver and SES mail driver (~3.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing doctrine/dbal (Required to rename columns
and drop SQLite columns (~2.4).)
laravel/framework suggests installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (Required to use the Mai
lgun and Mandrill mail drivers and the ping methods on schedules (~5.3|~6.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (Required to us
e the Flysystem S3 driver (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing league/flysystem-rackspace (Required to us
e the Flysystem Rackspace driver (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing pda/pheanstalk (Required to use the beanst
alk queue driver (~3.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing predis/predis (Required to use the redis c
ache and queue drivers (~1.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing pusher/pusher-php-server (Required to use
the Pusher broadcast driver (~2.0).)
laravel/framework suggests installing symfony/psr-http-message-bridge (Required
to psr7 bridging features (0.2.*).)
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (>=2.2.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate
> php artisan optimize
Generating optimized class loader
> php artisan key:generate
Application key [base64:mRxA2pP+BqMBfBZULlAu6FmoDy77SLzo9wGnaeNi5AQ=] set succes
sfully. D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>php artisan serve
Could not open input file: artisan D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>cd \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel\–prefer-dist D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel\–prefer-dist>php artisan serve
Laravel development server started on http://localhost:8000/
[Sat Aug 13 04:04:17 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
 D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>php artisan serve
Could not open input file: artisan D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel>cd \wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel\–prefer-dist D:\wamp64\www\w0813w\laravel\–prefer-dist>php artisan serve
Laravel development server started on http://localhost:8000/
[Sat Aug 13 04:04:17 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:08:04 2016] Invalid request (Unexpected EOF)
[Sat Aug 13 04:10:20 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:10:35 2016] Invalid request (Unexpected EOF)
[Sat Aug 13 04:10:35 2016] Invalid request (Unexpected EOF)
[Sat Aug 13 04:10:35 2016] Invalid request (Unexpected EOF)
[Sat Aug 13 04:10:36 2016] [200]: /w.php
[Sat Aug 13 04:10:36 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:15 2016] Invalid request (Unexpected EOF)
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:15 2016] Invalid request (Unexpected EOF)
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:15 2016] [200]: /w.php
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:15 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:16 2016] [200]: /w.php
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:16 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:17 2016] [200]: /w.php
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:17 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:17 2016] [200]: /w.php
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:18 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:18 2016] [200]: /w.php
[Sat Aug 13 04:11:19 2016] [200]: /favicon.ico





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