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public void updateAppWidget(int[] appWidgetIds, RemoteViews views) {
if (mService == null) {
try {
mService.updateAppWidgetIds(mPackageName, appWidgetIds, views);
catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("system server dead?", e);
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registerService(Context.APPWIDGET_SERVICE, AppWidgetManager.class,
new CachedServiceFetcher<AppWidgetManager>() {
public AppWidgetManager createService(ContextImpl ctx) {
IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.APPWIDGET_SERVICE);
return new AppWidgetManager(ctx, IAppWidgetService.Stub.asInterface(b));
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  1. AppWidgetServiceImpl中的updateAppWidgetIds:

public void updateAppWidgetIds(String callingPackage, int[] appWidgetIds,
RemoteViews views) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(TAG, "updateAppWidgetIds() " + UserHandle.getCallingUserId());
} updateAppWidgetIds(callingPackage, appWidgetIds, views, false);
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public class AppWidgetService extends SystemService {
private final AppWidgetServiceImpl mImpl; public AppWidgetService(Context context) {
mImpl = new AppWidgetServiceImpl(context);
} @Override
public void onStart() {
publishBinderService(Context.APPWIDGET_SERVICE, mImpl); //注册mImpl到ServiceManager当中
} @Override
public void onBootPhase(int phase) {
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private static final String APPWIDGET_SERVICE_CLASS =
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private void updateAppWidgetIds(String callingPackage, int[] appWidgetIds,
RemoteViews views, boolean partially) {
final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); if (appWidgetIds == null || appWidgetIds.length == 0) {
} // Make sure the package runs under the caller uid.
mSecurityPolicy.enforceCallFromPackage(callingPackage); final int bitmapMemoryUsage = (views != null) ? views.estimateMemoryUsage() : 0;
if (bitmapMemoryUsage > mMaxWidgetBitmapMemory) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RemoteViews for widget update exceeds"
+ " maximum bitmap memory usage (used: " + bitmapMemoryUsage
+ ", max: " + mMaxWidgetBitmapMemory + ")");
} synchronized (mLock) {
ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(userId); final int N = appWidgetIds.length;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
final int appWidgetId = appWidgetIds[i]; // NOTE: The lookup is enforcing security across users by making
// sure the caller can only access widgets it hosts or provides.
Widget widget = lookupWidgetLocked(appWidgetId,
Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage); if (widget != null) {
updateAppWidgetInstanceLocked(widget, views, partially);
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  1. Widget是一个带有很多信息的类,我们看看lookupWidgetLocked方法:

private Widget lookupWidgetLocked(int appWidgetId, int uid, String packageName) {
final int N = mWidgets.size();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
Widget widget = mWidgets.get(i);
if (widget.appWidgetId == appWidgetId
&& mSecurityPolicy.canAccessAppWidget(widget, uid, packageName)) {
return widget;
return null;
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private static final class Widget {
int appWidgetId;
int restoredId; // tracking & remapping any restored state
Provider provider; // 对应AppWidgetProvider,里面有AppWidgetProvider信息。
RemoteViews views; //表示View的RemoteView
Bundle options;
Host host; //显示的地方 @Override
public String toString() {
return "AppWidgetId{" + appWidgetId + ':' + host + ':' + provider + '}';
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而是从什么时候把Widget添加到mWidgets的呢?主要有三个地方,一个是绑定AppWidgetProvider跟id时,初始化时加载AppWidget与对应的host;一个是第一次添加AppWidget到桌面时,给AppWidget分配id的时候;一个是restore AppWidget的时候。我们看看分配id时,添加Widget的代码:

@Override public int allocateAppWidgetId(String callingPackage, int hostId) {
final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); // Make sure the package runs under the caller uid.
mSecurityPolicy.enforceCallFromPackage(callingPackage); synchronized (mLock) {
ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(userId); if (mNextAppWidgetIds.indexOfKey(userId) < 0) {
mNextAppWidgetIds.put(userId, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID + 1);
} final int appWidgetId = incrementAndGetAppWidgetIdLocked(userId); //增量分配一个id,保证不冲突 // NOTE: The lookup is enforcing security across users by making
// sure the caller can only access hosts it owns.
HostId id = new HostId(Binder.getCallingUid(), hostId, callingPackage); //得到hostid
Host host = lookupOrAddHostLocked(id); //根据id获取host Widget widget = new Widget();
widget.appWidgetId = appWidgetId;
widget.host = host; host.widgets.add(widget); //把widget添加到host的widgets列表中
addWidgetLocked(widget); //添加 saveGroupStateAsync(userId); return appWidgetId;
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// 在AppWidgetHost类当中,AppWidgetHost是Host端的代码 public void startListening() {
int[] updatedIds;
ArrayList<RemoteViews> updatedViews = new ArrayList<RemoteViews>();
try {
updatedIds = sService.startListening(mCallbacks, mContextOpPackageName, mHostId,
updatedViews); //把AppWidgetHost端的mCallbacks传递给AppWidgetService,mCallbacks是Binder对象。
catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("system server dead?", e);
} final int N = updatedIds.length;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
updateAppWidgetView(updatedIds[i], updatedViews.get(i));
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  1. 从mWidgets里面找到Widget后,会调用updateAppWidgetInstanceLocked方法来更新Widget。

private void updateAppWidgetInstanceLocked(Widget widget, RemoteViews views,
boolean isPartialUpdate) {
if (widget != null && widget.provider != null
&& !widget.provider.zombie && !widget.host.zombie) { // 保证widget有效,并且host也有效 if (isPartialUpdate && widget.views != null) {
// For a partial update, we merge the new RemoteViews with the old. 这里是对于partial update的。
} else {
// For a full update we replace the RemoteViews completely.
widget.views = views;
} scheduleNotifyUpdateAppWidgetLocked(widget, views);
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  1. 而scheduleNotifyUpdateAppWidgetLocked 则是使用handler发送一个消息给主线程处理:

private void scheduleNotifyUpdateAppWidgetLocked(Widget widget, RemoteViews updateViews) {
if (widget == null || widget.provider == null || widget.provider.zombie
|| widget.host.callbacks == null || widget.host.zombie) {
} SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain();
args.arg1 = widget.host;
args.arg2 = widget.host.callbacks; //callbacks 是host的跨进程调用接口,来自于startListening args.arg3 = updateViews;
args.argi1 = widget.appWidgetId; mCallbackHandler.obtainMessage(
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  1. 使用mCallbackHandler发送一条MSG_NOTIFY_UPDATE_APP_WIDGET的消息,mCallbackHandler是AppWidgetServiceImpl.CallbackHandler的实例。如果处理,具体就到CallbackHandler的handleMessage方法中,就是一个Handler机制,让代码运行在主线程:

public void handleMessage(Message message) {
switch (message.what) {
SomeArgs args = (SomeArgs) message.obj;
Host host = (Host) args.arg1;
IAppWidgetHost callbacks = (IAppWidgetHost) args.arg2;
RemoteViews views = (RemoteViews) args.arg3;
final int appWidgetId = args.argi1;
args.recycle(); handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget(host, callbacks, appWidgetId, views);
} break; ... } }
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  1. handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget方法:

private void handleNotifyUpdateAppWidget(Host host, IAppWidgetHost callbacks,
int appWidgetId, RemoteViews views) {
try {
callbacks.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, views); //通知AppWidgtHost
} catch (RemoteException re) {
synchronized (mLock) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Widget host dead: " + host.id, re);
host.callbacks = null;
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public int[] startListening(IAppWidgetHost callbacks, String callingPackage,
int hostId, List<RemoteViews> updatedViews) {
final int userId = UserHandle.getCallingUserId(); if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(TAG, "startListening() " + userId);
} // Make sure the package runs under the caller uid.
mSecurityPolicy.enforceCallFromPackage(callingPackage); synchronized (mLock) {
ensureGroupStateLoadedLocked(userId); // NOTE: The lookup is enforcing security across users by making
// sure the caller can only access hosts it owns.
HostId id = new HostId(Binder.getCallingUid(), hostId, callingPackage);
Host host = lookupOrAddHostLocked(id); host.callbacks = callbacks; //设置callbacks updatedViews.clear(); ArrayList<Widget> instances = host.widgets;
int N = instances.size();
int[] updatedIds = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
Widget widget = instances.get(i);
updatedIds[i] = widget.appWidgetId;
} return updatedIds;
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  1. 最终updateAppWidget的实现代码是:

static class Callbacks extends IAppWidgetHost.Stub {
private final WeakReference<Handler> mWeakHandler; public Callbacks(Handler handler) {
mWeakHandler = new WeakReference<>(handler);
} public void updateAppWidget(int appWidgetId, RemoteViews views) {
if (isLocalBinder() && views != null) {
views = views.clone();
Handler handler = mWeakHandler.get();
if (handler == null) {
Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(HANDLE_UPDATE, appWidgetId, 0, views);
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  1. 最后使用Handler发送消息给主线程,然后在handleMessage中有具体的处理程序:

class UpdateHandler extends Handler {
public UpdateHandler(Looper looper) {
} public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
updateAppWidgetView(msg.arg1, (RemoteViews)msg.obj);
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  1. 然后调用AppWidgetHost的updateAppWidgetView方法:

void updateAppWidgetView(int appWidgetId, RemoteViews views) {
AppWidgetHostView v;
synchronized (mViews) {
v = mViews.get(appWidgetId);
if (v != null) {
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  1. 根据appWidgetId找到对应的AppWidgetHostView,然后调用AppWidgetHostView的updateAppWidget来根据RemoteView来更新AppWidgetHostView:

* Process a set of {@link RemoteViews} coming in as an update from the
* AppWidget provider. Will animate into these new views as needed
public void updateAppWidget(RemoteViews remoteViews) { boolean recycled = false;
View content = null;
Exception exception = null; // Capture the old view into a bitmap so we can do the crossfade.
... 省去old view to bitmap if (remoteViews == null) {
if (mViewMode == VIEW_MODE_DEFAULT) {
// We've already done this -- nothing to do.
content = getDefaultView(); // 默认的View
mLayoutId = -1;
} else {
// Prepare a local reference to the remote Context so we're ready to
// inflate any requested LayoutParams.
mRemoteContext = getRemoteContext();
int layoutId = remoteViews.getLayoutId(); // If our stale view has been prepared to match active, and the new
// layout matches, try recycling it
if (content == null && layoutId == mLayoutId) {
try {
remoteViews.reapply(mContext, mView, mOnClickHandler);
content = mView;
recycled = true;
if (LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "was able to recycled existing layout");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
exception = e;
} // Try normal RemoteView inflation
if (content == null) {
try {
content = remoteViews.apply(mContext, this, mOnClickHandler);
if (LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "had to inflate new layout");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
exception = e;
mLayoutId = layoutId;
if (content == null) {
if (mViewMode == VIEW_MODE_ERROR) {
// We've already done this -- nothing to do.
return ;
Log.w(TAG, "updateAppWidget couldn't find any view, using error view", exception);
content = getErrorView(); // 在失败的情况下,会使用ErrorView。
} if (!recycled) {
} if (mView != content) {
mView = content;
} if (CROSSFADE) {
if (mFadeStartTime < 0) {
// if there is already an animation in progress, don't do anything --
// the new view will pop in on top of the old one during the cross fade,
// and that looks okay.
mFadeStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
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  1. 如果remoteView为空,则看是否已经使用了默认视图,如果已经使用了直接返回,如果没有则使用默认的视图。

  2. 如果remoteView不为空,则看layoutid是否跟现在已经使用的视图的layoutid一致,一致则重用旧的视图,调用remoteView.reapply方法重用视图,并且设置视图内容。

  3. 如果layoutid跟现使用的视图不一致,则调用remoteView.apply方法得到新的视图。

  4. 如果上面的步骤都没有得到视图,则使用错误视图。

  5. 如果新的视图与旧的视图不一致,则添加新的视图,删除旧的视图。






  1. 阴影效果css
  2. FZU 2213 Common Tangents(公切线)
  3. 黄聪:C# 开发Chrome内核浏览器(WebKit.net)
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