It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world.


Sometimes we choose to trust in something, like the gut, the destiny, the karama, whatever.

We often think it may be not the time for us to start a new relationship or to start a new career after we encounter some setbacks in life.

No, that is not true. Maybe we can't say we failed just because of our fate, or we are destined to fail, we can't change it.

Both achievements and love, are not so easy things.

There're many setbacks along the road. We must face up to them and overcome them.

Please live the life, like fate and destiny don't exist, the only thing that we can do and we should do is to do our best.

Either you run the day or the day runs you.


Did you ever feel that your life is just a piece of shit?

Did you ever feel that whatever you have done, you can't have some satisfying results?

If the answer is yes, then you must beware that you are just run by the days.

Try to run the day, set a small goal first and achieve it. Then the sense of satisfication and achievement will make you feel much more different.


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