
 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web; using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; /// <summary>
///NetHelper 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
public class NetHelper
public NetHelper()
{ } public static string GetBrowserType()
return HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type;
} public static string GetSysVersion()
string Agent = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; if (Agent.IndexOf("NT 4.0") > )
return "Windows NT ";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("NT 5.0") > )
return "Windows 2000";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("NT 5.1") > )
return "Windows XP";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("NT 5.2") > )
return "Windows 2003";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("NT 6.0") > )
return "Windows Vista";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("WindowsCE") > )
return "Windows CE";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("NT") > )
return "Windows NT ";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("9x") > )
return "Windows ME";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("") > )
return "Windows 98";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("") > )
return "Windows 95";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("Win32") > )
return "Win32";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("Linux") > )
return "Linux";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("SunOS") > )
return "SunOS";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("Mac") > )
return "Mac";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("Linux") > )
return "Linux";
else if (Agent.IndexOf("Windows") > )
return "Windows";
return "unknow"; } /// <summary>
/// 如果有代理那么越过代理直接取值
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetClientIp()
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_VIA"] != null)
return HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"].ToString();
return HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString();
} public static string GetHostName(string ipStr)
{ string hostName = string.Empty;
System.Net.IPAddress ip = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ipStr);
System.Net.IPHostEntry host = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(ip);
hostName = host.HostName;
{ }
return hostName;
} [DllImport("Iphlpapi.dll")]
static extern int SendARP(Int32 DestIP, Int32 SrcIP, ref Int64 MacAddr, ref Int32 PhyAddrLen);
static extern Int32 inet_addr(string ipaddr);
/// <summary>
/// SendArp获取MAC地址
/// </summary>
/// <param name="RemoteIP">目标机器的IP地址如(</param>
/// <returns>目标机器的mac 地址</returns>
public static string getMacAddr_Remote(string RemoteIP)
StringBuilder macAddress = new StringBuilder();
Int32 remote = inet_addr(RemoteIP);
Int64 macInfo = new Int64();
Int32 length = ;
SendARP(remote, , ref macInfo, ref length);
string temp = Convert.ToString(macInfo, ).PadLeft(, '').ToUpper();
int x = ;
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if (i == )
macAddress.Append(temp.Substring(x - , ));
macAddress.Append(temp.Substring(x - , ) + "-");
x -= ;
return macAddress.ToString();
return macAddress.ToString();



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