Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish.


It is just the humancondition.

We are always willing to believe what we want to believe, if it doesn't meet with our expectations, even it is the truth, we are inclined to think it might be wrong in some way.

Being neutral or objective, actually very difficult.

But that is not bad.

Just because we have such features, we have the chance to find out who are our comrades and who are our enemies, and the chance to make the things that we favor with become better.

Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.


From Christopher Morley.

Several days ago, I learned a saying as following:

We read the world wrong and say it deceives us.

Maybe most of us have never understand the real meaning of life:

Why we came to the world?

What can we do to add some useful things to the world we live in?

Once it comes to these questions, we may be baffled and can't make them clear.

No doubt it would be better to figure out these philosophical problems, but we still have to live our lives without clear answers.

No matter what the way we pronounce life and we read the world, the most appropriate thing we should do may be to contribute ourselves to the things we deem as right.

Sometimes, it works not bad to be a paranoia.

No matter what our convictions are, just infuse our life with action.

Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen.

Make our own future. Make our own hope. Make our own life.

And whatever our beliefs, honor our creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what we can to make grace happen... ourselves, right now, right down here on Earth.


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