Function return
ceil 不小于给定值的最接近整数值
floor 不大于给定值的最接近整数
trunc (C++11) 绝对值不大于给定值的最接近整数
round(C++11) 最接近整数,中间情况下舍入到远离零
lround(C++11) 最接近整数,中间情况下舍入到远离零
llround (C++11) 最接近整数,中间情况下舍入到远离零


float ceil(float arg);(1)
double ceil(double arg);(2)
long double ceil(long double arg);(3)
double ceil(Integral arg);(4) (C++11 起)
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << fixed
<< "ceil(+2.4) = " << ceil(+2.4) << '\n'
<< "ceil(-2.4) = " << ceil(-2.4) << '\n'
<< "ceil(-0.0) = " << ceil(-0.0) << '\n'
<< "ceil(-Inf) = " << ceil(-INFINITY) << '\n';

ceil(+2.4) = 3.000000
ceil(-2.4) = -2.000000
ceil(-0.0) = -0.000000
ceil(-Inf) = -INF


float floor( float arg );(1)
double floor( double arg );(2)
long double floor( long double arg );(3)
double floor( Integral arg );(4) (C++11 起)
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << fixed
<< "floor(+2.7) = " <<floor(+2.7) << '\n'
<< "floor(-2.7) = " << floor(-2.7) << '\n'
<< "floor(-0.0) = " << floor(-0.0) << '\n'
<< "floor(-Inf) = " << floor(-INFINITY) << '\n';
输出: floor(+2.7) = 2.000000
floor(-2.7) = -3.000000
floor(-0.0) = -0.000000
floor(-Inf) = -inf


float trunc( float arg );
double trunc( double arg );
long double trunc( long double arg );
double trunc( Integral arg );
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << fixed
<< "trunc(+2.7) = " << trunc(+2.7) << '\n'
<< "trunc(-2.9) = " << trunc(-2.9) << '\n'
<< "trunc(-0.0) = " << strunc(-0.0) << '\n'
<< "trunc(-Inf) = " << strunc(-INFINITY) << '\n';

trunc(+2.7) = 2.000000
trunc(-2.9) = -2.000000
trunc(-0.0) = -0.000000
trunc(-Inf) = -inf



float round( float arg );
double round( double arg );
long double round( long double arg );
double round( Integral arg );
long lround( float arg );
long lround( double arg );
long lround( long double arg );
long lround( Integral arg );
long long llround( float arg );
long long llround( double arg );
long long llround( long double arg );
long long llround( Integral arg );
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
// round
cout << "round(+2.3) = " << round(2.3)
<< " round(+2.5) = " << round(2.5)
<< " round(+2.7) = " << round(2.7) << endl
<< "round(-2.3) = " << round(-2.3)
<< " round(-2.5) = " << round(-2.5)
<< " round(-2.7) = " << round(-2.7) << endl; cout << "round(-0.0) = " << round(-0.0) << endl
<< "round(-Inf) = " << round(-INFINITY) << endl; // lround
cout << "lround(+2.3) = " << lround(2.3)
<< " lround(+2.5) = " << lround(2.5)
<< " lround(+2.7) = " << lround(2.7) << endl
<< "lround(-2.3) = " << lround(-2.3)
<< " lround(-2.5) = " << lround(-2.5)
<< " lround(-2.7) = " << lround(-2.7) << endl; cout << "lround(-0.0) = " << lround(-0.0) << endl
<< "lround(-Inf) = " << lround(-INFINITY) << endl;
return 0;


round(+2.3) = 2  round(+2.5) = 3  round(+2.7) = 3
round(-2.3) = -2 round(-2.5) = -3 round(-2.7) = -3
round(-0.0) = -0
round(-Inf) = -inf
lround(+2.3) = 2 lround(+2.5) = 3 lround(+2.7) = 3
lround(-2.3) = -2 lround(-2.5) = -3 lround(-2.7) = -3
lround(-0.0) = 0
lround(-Inf) = 0


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