
from random import randint

class DLinkedNode(object):

    def __init__(self, data=None, pre=None, post=None):
self.data = data
self.pre = pre
self.post = post class DLinkedList(object): def __init__(self):
self.head = DLinkedNode()
self.tail = DLinkedNode()
self.head.post = self.tail
self.tail.pre = self.head def build(self, n):
pre = self.head
for _ in range(n):
data = randint(1, 100)
node = DLinkedNode(data, post=self.tail)
self.tail.pre = node
pre.post = node
node.pre = pre
pre = node return self.head, self.tail


class Solution(object):

    def quick_sort(self, low, high):
if not lowor not low.post:
return if low != high:
p, q = low, high
key = p.data
while p != q:
while p != q and q.data >= key:
q = q.pre
p.data = q.data
while p != q and p.data <= key:
p = p.post
q.data = p.data
p.data = key if low != p:
self.quick_sort(low, p.pre)
if p != high:
self.quick_sort(p.post, high)


h, t = DLinkedList().build(10)
curr = h
while curr.post:
print curr.post.data,
curr = curr.post
while curr.pre:
print curr.pre.data,
curr = curr.pre
print() Solution().quick_sort(h.post, h.post, t.pre)
curr = h while curr.post:
print curr.post.data,
curr = curr.post


import random

class Solution(object):

    def quick_sort(self, a, left, right):

        if left >= right: return

        pivot = self.partition(a, left, right)

        self.quick_sort(a, left, pivot-1)
self.quick_sort(a, pivot+1, right) def partition(self, a, left, right):
index = left + 1
key = a[left]
for i in range(left+1, right+1):
if a[i] <= key:
a[i], a[index] = a[index], a[i]
index += 1
a[left], a[index-1] = a[index-1], key return index-1 if __name__ == '__main__':
a = [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10)]
Solution().quick_sort(a, 0, len(a)-1)


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