
1. Native Libraries

2. Hive

3. Pig

4. Cascading

At a high level, people use the native Hadoop libraries to achieve the greatest performance and have the most fine-grained control. Pig is somewhere between the very SQL-like, database language
provided by Hive and the very Java-like programming language provided by Cascading. - See more at: http://blog.gopivotal.com/pivotal/products/hadoop-101-programming-mapreduce-with-native-libraries-hive-pig-and-cascading#sthash.h7JxtIq3.dpuf

At a high level, people use the native Hadoop libraries to achieve the greatest performance and have the most fine-grained control. Pig is somewhere between the very SQL-like, database language provided by Hive and the very Java-like programming language provided
by Cascading.



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