

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; const int VERTEX_NUM = 20;
const int INFINITY = 0x7fffffff; bool vis[VERTEX_NUM];
int dist[VERTEX_NUM];
int pre[VERTEX_NUM]; class Graph {
int vexNum;
int edgeNum;
int vex[VERTEX_NUM];
}; void createGraph(Graph &G)
cout << "please input vexNum and edgeNum: ";
cin >> G.vexNum >> G.edgeNum;
for (int i = 0; i != G.vexNum; ++i) {
cout << "please input no" << i+1 << " vertex: ";
cin >> G.vex[i]; // 自定义顶点序号
for (int i = 0; i != G.vexNum; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j != G.vexNum; ++j) {
G.arc[i][j] = INFINITY;
for (int k = 0; k != G.edgeNum; ++k) {
cout << "please input the vertex of edge(vi, vj) and weight: ";
int i, j, w;
cin >> i >> j >> w;
G.arc[i][j] = w;
G.arc[j][i] = G.arc[i][j];
} void prim(Graph &G, int src)
memset(dist, INFINITY, VERTEX_NUM);
memset(vis, false, true);
for (int i = 0; i != G.vexNum; ++i) {
pre[i] = src;
dist[i] = G.arc[src][i];
vis[src] = true;
int lowcost;
int lowcostIndex;
for (int cnt = 1; cnt != G.vexNum; ++cnt) {
lowcost = INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i != G.vexNum; ++i) {
if (dist[i] < lowcost && !vis[i]) {
lowcost = dist[i]; // 没意义,最小生成树考虑的是到生成树而不是源点
lowcostIndex = i;
vis[lowcostIndex] = true;
for (int i = 0; i != G.vexNum; ++i) {
if (G.arc[lowcostIndex][i] != INFINITY && G.arc[lowcostIndex][i] < dist[i] && !vis[i])
dist[i] = G.arc[lowcostIndex][i];
pre[i] = lowcostIndex;
} int main()
Graph G;
int src = 0;
prim(G, src);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != G.vexNum; ++i) {
if (src == i) continue;
sum += dist[i];
cout << sum << endl;



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