Type Description

High-Tech Made Easy
The new universal controller eCONTROL Type 8611 brings an essential advantage
for for control variables like flow, temperature, pressure, pH value, conductivity and
level in both pneumatic and electric systems: installation at its easiest. And this with
the highest functional reliability in the system. It saves money, as it is optimally
matched to the sensors and control valves supplied by Bürkert. Installation and
commissioning can be completed at lower costs, while at the same time a higher
product quality is achieved, thanks to the use of components all produced by the
same company.


That’s What We Call Versatility
Innovation is introducing something unique. With the
universal controller Type 8611, this uniqueness is versatility.
For Assembly:
Direct mounting onto the flow sensor, onto a wall
or a DIN rail, onto a solenoid control valve or onto a
control cabinet.
For the Sensor Inputs:
PT 100, frequency, 4 to 20 mA or 0-10V
For the Valve Variants:
Solenoid proportional valve, process control valve or
motorized actuators with a 4 to 20mA control signal

Technical Data

ConTrol STrUCTUreS
Continuous control, 2-state control, 3-state control
4 to 20 mA, 0-10V, PT 100, frequency
4 to 20 mA, 0-10V
ConTInUoUS ConTrol
4 to 20 mA, 0-10V, PWM
QUASI-ConTInUoUS, on/oFF ConTrol
PTM, On/Off
• Dual temperature/flow rate display
• Binary input for Start/Stop/Open/Close/Safe Position
• Binary outputs for alarms, status messages or 2-state


8611 型通用调节器具有紧凑型的结构方式,非常适合同样采用紧凑型设计的调节系统。这种调节器经测试可兼容与所有 Bürkert 比例阀和传感器,在使用标准信号(4-20 mA、0-10 V 或 PWM 输出信号)的前提下,可以与各种非 Bürkert 调节阀相组合。这种具有 PI 特性的过程调节阀,配备了大量的附加功能。通过 3 个模拟输入端,可以将工艺实际值作为标准信号 (4-20mA / 0-10V)、电阻信号 (PT100) 或频率信号读入。通过电流或电压标准信号或者键盘,可以规定工艺额定值。特别适合温度调节任务,可以设计其下方安装有流量调节装置的级联式结构。通过控制比例阀和过程阀,可以在流体技术领域中完成各种各样的调节任务,也可将其应用于液态的或气态的介质。

  • 持续式、两点式、三点式及 On/Off 调节
  • 比例调节
  • 传感器输入端(4-20 mA,0-10 V,频率,Pt100)
  • 比例阀、过程阀和电动阀的控制装置
  • 预先定义所有的 Bürkert 比例阀和流量传感器








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