A Famous Grid

Time Limit: 10000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1496    Accepted Submission(s): 567

Problem Description
Mr. B has recently discovered the grid named "spiral grid".
Construct the grid like the following figure. (The grid is actually infinite. The figure is only a small part of it.)

traveling in it, you are free to any cell containing a composite number
or 1, but traveling to any cell containing a prime number is
disallowed. You can travel up, down, left or right, but not diagonally.
Write a program to find the length of the shortest path between pairs of
nonprime numbers, or report it's impossible.

Each test case is described by a line of input containing two nonprime integer 1 <=x, y<=10,000.
each test case, display its case number followed by the length of the
shortest path or "impossible" (without quotes) in one line.
Sample Input
1 4
9 32
10 12
Sample Output
Case 1: 1
Case 2: 7
Case 3: impossible
做法:蛇形矩阵 + bfs + 优先队列
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <queue>
#define maxn 40000
using namespace std;
int mmap[][];
int a[][];
int vis[][];
int dx[] = {,,-,};
int dy[] = {,-,,};
int n,m;
bool num[maxn];
void is_prime()
int tot = ;
num[] = true;
for(long long i=; i<maxn; i++)
for(long long j=i*i; j<=maxn; j+=i)
num[j] = true;
struct Node
int x;
int y;
int step;
Node() {}
Node(int _x,int _y,int _step)
x = ;
y = ;
step =;
} start,endd;
struct cmp
bool operator () (const Node &a,const Node &b)
return a.step>b.step;
int check(int x,int y)
if(x>= && x < && y >= && y < && num[a[x][y]] == true&& !vis[x][y]) return ;
return ;
priority_queue<Node,vector<Node>,cmp >que;
bool bfs()
Node tmp,now;
while(!que.empty()) que.pop();
vis[start.x][start.y] = ;
start.step = ;
now = que.top();
//cout<<now.x<<" "<<now.y<<" "<<now.step<<endl;
if(now.x == endd.x && now.y == endd.y)
endd.step = now.step;
return true;
for(int i=; i<; i++)
tmp.x = now.x + dx[i];
tmp.y = now.y + dy[i];
tmp.step = now.step + ;
vis[tmp.x][tmp.y] = ;
return false;
void init()
int x = ;
int y = ;
int nn = ;
int num=a[][]=;
while((y+)<nn&&!a[x][y+]) a[x][++y]= --num;
while((x+)<nn&&!a[x+][y]) a[++x][y]= --num;
while((y-)>=&&!a[x][y-]) a[x][--y]= --num;
while((x-)>=&&!a[x-][y]) a[--x][y]= --num; }
int main()
int Case = ;
while(~scanf("%d %d",&n,&m))
for(int i=; i<; i++)
for(int j=; j<; j++)
if(a[i][j] == n)
start.x = i;
start.y = j;
if(a[i][j] == m)
endd.x= i;
endd.y = j;
bool prime = false;
prime = bfs();
printf("Case %d: ",Case++);
if(prime) printf("%d\n",endd.step);
else printf("impossible\n");
return ;


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