
委托让我们可以把函数引用保存在变量中。这就像在 C++ 中使用 typedef 保存函数指针一样。

委托使用关键字 delegate 声明。看看这个例子,你就能理解什么是委托:


delegate int Operation(int val1, int val2);
public int Add(int val1, int val2)
return val1 + val2;
public int Subtract (int val1, int val2)
return val1- val2;
public void Perform()
Operation Oper;
Console.WriteLine("Enter + or - ");
string optor = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 operands"); string opnd1 = Console.ReadLine();
string opnd2 = Console.ReadLine(); int val1 = Convert.ToInt32 (opnd1);
int val2 = Convert.ToInt32 (opnd2); if (optor == "+")
Oper = new Operation(Add);
Oper = new Operation(Subtract); Console.WriteLine(" Result = {0}", Oper(val1, val2));


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