
1.       应用程序通讯时必须用MLLP包装或者解析。

2.       客户端建立连接后,服务器端必须用此连接进行应答。客户端可以继续用此连接启动新事务


1.      Applications shall use the Minimal Lower Layer Protocol defined in Appendix C of the

HL7 Implementation Guide.

2.      An initiating application that wants to send a message (initiate a transaction) will

initiate a network connection to start the transaction. The receiver application will

respond with an acknowledgement or response to query over the open connection. The

initiating application can initiate a new transaction on the same connection. However,

the initiating application must be able to handle cases where the connection has been

closed due to possible timeout by the accepting application. For example if the

initiating application does not submit a request over the connection in a timely manner,

the accepting application has the right to close the connection. When this condition is

detected, the initiating application needs to open a new connection for subsequent


在实现消息解析时, 请参考IHE_ITI_TF_Rev8-0_Vol2a_FT_2011-08-19 的3.8, 3.9,3.10 以及IHE_ITI_TF_Rev8-0_Vol2x_FT_2011-08-19的 Appendix C
有必选 Segment,以及每个Segment 必选element, 其中
R Required
R2 This is an IHE extension. If the sending application has data for the field, it is required to populate the field. If the value is not known, the field may not be sent.
R+ This is an IHE extension. This is a field that IHE requires that was listed as optional within the HL7 standard.
O Optional
C Conditional
总共是 8个必选Segment , 但是对于具体事务有些 Segment可以不关心,比如Feed不太关心 PV1.

[...] 表示“可选”


[{…}] 表示“可选,且可重复”

PIX总共包括3个事务:Feed,Query,Update,HL7版本分别为v2.3.1, V2.5, v2.5.
Feed包括:A01,A04,A05,A08。MessageType为ADT,A01-A08, ADT_A01. 以及A40,MessageType为ADT,A40, ADT_A39
Update: A31

在PIX中需要对域进行配置, 有几个概念需要澄清。
病人标识源: 就是ADT消息的SendingApplication字段。


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