Meeting time:   2015.August.4th 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Serg Melikyan, PTL from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.Migrating to yaql 1.0 status.

   PIC:       Stan Lagun

   Status:   All commits are on review but not yet merged.

      New yaql engine should be fully functional at the moment.

      Though we need to fix pep8, it passes all unit tests.      

      The yaql rc2 will be released as soon as all yaql commits got merged and test.

   Action:   Kirill Zaitsev will write an email to encourage murano team and murano users to test new yaql.


2.Oslo.log library 1.8 

   PIC:       Nikolay Starodubtsev

Status:  The Oslo.log library 1.8 have already released.

      In the near future we might need to update it,

      as soon as TRACE level is introduced in the newest oslo.log version.


3.Stable-check jobs mini-announcement

PIC:        Kirill Zaitsev

Action:  Kirill Zaitsev write e-mail about stable jobs

 Mailing List Link:

4.My Weekly Work

 The Blue Print named 'add-js-lint-jobs' have almost merged into master version.

 This is the last commit, that would make our new js linting job green.

 After this commit merged, the community will set gate-murano-dashboard-npm-run-lint from non-voting to onvoting.

Last Commit Link:

5.About MidCycle Meeting

I have asked the PTL Serg Melikyan about the MidCycle Meeting in the IRC Weekly Meeting.

The Reply is as below:

  At this time we don't have midcycle summit but we can orginize call if needed.

  if you have topic to discuss, we can schedule video-conference call.


  1. spring3.0结合Redis在项目中的运用
  2. Ngigx+Tomcat配置动静分离,负载均衡
  3. android定时器
  4. 第十七篇:使用窗口的cache属性加速SOUI的渲染
  5. Flex开发一周年感悟
  6. Memcached 笔记与总结(2)编译 php-memcache 扩展
  7. Druid连接池简单入门
  8. javaweb之javascript结合(三)
  9. mac 桌面美化
  10. phpcms在自定义模块中的自定义标签分页
  11. SSL是啥?
  12. oc __weak和__strong的区别
  13. AngularJS学习篇(八)
  14. SpringMVC实现JSON与前台交互
  15. opencv基础教程 之 图像基础和绘图
  16. Java开发笔记(七十六)如何预防异常的产生
  17. Linux内核中常用的数据结构和算法(转)
  18. 关于azkaban上传job压缩包报错问题的解决方案
  19. 基于Bootstrap表单验证
  20. myeclipse解决Fail to create the java Virtual Machine


  1. C++的运算符重载 (转)
  2. Java基础-集合框架的学习大纲
  3. 说“DPI”
  4. 洛谷P2526 [SHOI2001]小狗散步(二分图匹配)
  5. P1900 自我数
  6. 二分图【洛谷P2175】 小Z的游戏分队
  7. javascript事件委托//就是父级事件给子级
  8. js按回车事件提交
  9. html5 语音识别 转
  10. json遍历,List<Map<String,Object>>遍历