Dialogue 1  You took the wrong bus 你做错车了

A:Hi, I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi'an. Could you please remind me when we are arriving at that stop?  你好,我想去看西安的秦始皇兵马俑。那一站到的时候你能提醒我一下吗?

B:Oh. You took the wrong bus. You need to take Bus 151 which goes the opposite direction.  哦,你坐错车了。你应该坐驶往相反方向的151路车。

A:Oh, no! What should I do now? 天!那现在我该怎么办呢?

B:Don't worry. You can get off at the next stop and walk across the street and take the Bus 151 to the opposite direction.  不要担心。你在下一站下车,走到马路对面然后乘坐相反方向的151路车就可以了。

A: Ok. How many stops do I have to go?  好吧,我要坐多少站才到呢?

B:About 15 stops. 大约15站吧。

A:That is a long way to go. It is so kind of you to help me. Thank you very much. 路很远啊。你真是个热心人,谢谢你。

B:My pleasure. 不客气。

Dialogue 2  You're going the wrong way. 您坐错车了

A:I'm going to Beihai Park.Is this the right bus, please?  我要去北海公园,请问坐这辆车对吗?

B:No, you're going the wrong way. You want a 103 from Beijing Zoo.  不,您弄错了。您得坐从北京动物园开出的103路车。

A:How can I get it, please?  请问我去哪里乘那辆车呢?

B:You get off at the next stop, cross the street, and you'll find the stop not far on the right hand side.  您可以在下一站下车,穿过街道,在您的右边不远处,就有一个车站。

A:Could I have a transfer please?  请问我可以要一张转乘车票吗?

B:Here you are.  给您。

A:Thank you.  谢谢。

Dialogue 3  The stops will be announced 车上会报站的 

A:Excuse me. Does this bus go by Tiananmen square?  劳驾,请问这车经过天安门么?

B:Yes, it does.  去。

A:At which stop should I get off?  我该在哪站下车呢?

B:There is a stop at Tiananmen Square. The stops will be announced on the bus both in English and Chinese. When the stop is coming, you just push the red button near the rear door if you want to get off.  天安门广场有一站。车上会用中英文报站。快到站的时候,如果你要下车,按后门旁边的红色按钮就可以了。

A:Okay, thanks very much. 好,非常感谢。

Dialogue 4  Where do I have to change? 我要在哪儿转车?

A:Excuse me, but could you tell me if this bus goes to the National History Museum?  打搅一下,您能告诉我这趟车到国家历史博物馆吗?

B:No, it doesn't. There's no through bus to the National History Museum, madam.  不是的,夫人,没有到国家历史博物馆的直达车。

A:I see. Where do I have to change then?  我知道了,那我要在哪儿转车?

B:You can transfer Fuchengmen.  您可以在阜城门换乘。

A:How far is it?  有多远呢?

B:Well, it's only three stops from here.  哦,离这儿仅有3站路。

A:I see. Thanks a lot.  明白了,非常感谢。

B:You're welcome.  不客气。

Dialogue 5  How much is a one-way ticket? 单程车票多少钱一张?

A:Excuse me. What time does the next bus for Boston leave?  打搅一下,请问下一班到波士顿的公共汽车是几点开?

B:It leaves at 8:30.  八点半发车。

A:I see. Are there any seats available?  我明白了,还有空位吗?

B:Just a moment, please. Yes, you can have a seat.  请稍等,有的,还有座位。

A:Good. How much is a one-way ticket?  很好。单程车票多少钱一张?

B:It's 38 dollars.  38美元。

A:All right. Here's 40 dollars.  好的,这是40美元。

B:Here's your ticket and change.  这是您的车票和找回的零钱。

A:Thank you. Which gate should I go to for the bus?  谢谢。我应该到哪一个站台坐那趟车呢?

B:Go to gate number 2, please.  请到2号站台。

A:Thank you very much.  非常感谢。

B:Don't mention it.  不客气。

Dialogue 6  Better take the subway 最好乘地铁

A:Let's go to Wangfujing by bus.  我们坐公共汽车去王府井吧。

B:Better take the subway. It's faster,and more convenient.  最好乘地铁,地铁更快,更方便。

A:OK, it will be a new experience for me.  可以,这对我来说也是一次新的经历。

B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy.  我们这儿有相当完善的地铁系统,你可以坐地铁迅速到达几乎任何地方,特别是在每天的这个交通高峰时期。

A:Where do we pay the fare?  我们在哪里付车费?

B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he'll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in. 给站在那边的售票员元,他会给你一个辅币。你在入门处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门进去了。

A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?  让我来付费,我在哪儿能买到地铁地图?

B:Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one. It's free fo charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.  向售辅币的工作人员要一张,那是免费的。实际上大多数地铁站都贴有线路图。

A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?  换乘地铁时,我还要另外付钱吗?

B:No, you don't have to. Here comes the train.  不用,车来了。

Dialogue 7  How much is the fare 票价多少钱

A:Am I in the right direction to the Xidan Book Building?  这是去西单图书大厦的车吗?

B:Yes, you are right.  对,是的。

A:How much is the fare?  多少钱一张票?

B:2 yuan.  2元。

C:Excuse me, How about IC card? What's the difference?  请问,用IC 卡是多少钱呢?有什么区别吗?

B:Pay by IC card is cheaper than cash.  用IC卡比现金便宜些。

C:How much cheaper?  便宜多少呢?

B:6 or 8 jiao, that depends.  便宜6到8角,视情况而定。

C:Can I apply for an IC card?  那么我能办一张IC卡吗?

B:Of course, you can ask your parents to apply for a student IC card for you.  当然可以啦,你可以叫你的父母给你办一张学生公交IC卡。

C:OK, thanks. Daddy, why don't we just get an IC card, it saves much money.  我知道了,谢谢!爸爸,为什么我们不办一张IC卡呢,很省钱的。

A:Tell your Mom if you want.  你想要的话就去告诉你妈妈。

Dialogue 8  车程大约多久? How long does it take?

A:Where to, sir.  先生,请问要到哪里?

B:To this place, please.  到这个地方。

A:Star Hotel. OK.  晨星饭店呀,没问题。

B:How long does it take to get to the hotel?  车程大约多久?

A:About 20 minutes.  大概20分钟。

A:Here's the hotel.  饭店到了。

B:How much is the fare?  多少钱?

A:That's 10 dollars.  10美元。

Dialogue 9 打车去机场 Taking a taxi to the airport

A:Hey! Taxi.  嘿!出租车。

B:Where are you heading, sir?  先生,您想去哪儿?

A:Capital Airport.  首都机场。

B:What's your flight time? 您是几点的飞机。

A:At 7:50.  7点50分。

B:I guess we should get there no later than 7:00.  我想我们到达那里不会迟于7点。

A:How long is the ride from here then?  从这儿到那里开车要多少时间?

B:Well, since it's rush hour, I'd say the ride would take about thirty minutes, more or less.Is that okay?  哦,由于现在是交通高峰期,我想至少要30分钟,行吗?

A:Yes, that'll be fine. How much is this going to cost?  好的,这需要多少钱?

Dialogue 10  退票 To get a refund of my ticket

A:Excuse me. Can I get a refund of my ticket? I have to cancel my trip because I have something emergent to deal with.  劳驾,我可以退票么?因为我有紧急的事情要处理,所以我必须得取消这次出行。

B:Which train is the ticket for?  哪趟车的票啊?

A:It is Train No. 249. It will depart in four hours.  是294次,这趟车将在4小时后出发。

B:It is not too late. Pass your ticket to me, please.  还不算晚。请把您的票给我。

A:How much is the cancellation fee?  退票费多少呢?

B:Five Yuan.  5元。

A:Thanks.  好的,谢谢您。


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