Some useful socat commands

To link serial port ttyS0 to another serial port:

socat /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl /dev/ttyS1,raw,echo=0,crnl

To get time from time server:

socat -

To forward local http port to remote http port:

socat TCP-LISTEN:80,fork

To forward terminal to the serial port COM1:

socat READLINE,history=$HOME/.cmd_history /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl 

Simple file-transfer:

On the server-side: socat TCP-LISTEN:port filename
To send file fro the server: socat TCP:hostname:port filename

socat -

Transfers data between STDIO (-) and a TCP4 connection to port 80 of host This example results in an interactive connection similar to telnet or netcat. The stdin terminal parameters are not changed, so you may close the relay with ^D or abort it with ^C.

socat -d -d READLINE,history=$HOME/.http_history \,crnl

This is similar to the previous example, but you can edit the current line in a bash like manner (READLINE) and use the history file .http_history; socat prints messages about progress (-d -d). The port is specified by service name (www), and correct network line termination characters (crnl) instead of NL are used.

socat TCP4-LISTEN:www

Installs a simple TCP port forwarder. With TCP4-LISTEN it listens on local port "www" until a connection comes in, accepts it, then connects to the remote host (TCP4) and starts data transfer. It will not accept a second connection.

socat -d -d -lmlocal2 \
TCP4-LISTEN:80,bind=myaddr1,su=nobody,fork,range=,reuseaddr \,bind=myaddr2

TCP port forwarder, each side bound to another local IP address (bind). This example handles an almost arbitrary number of parallel or consecutive connections by forking a new process after each accept(). It provides a little security by sudoing to user nobody after forking; it only permits connections from the private 10 network (range); due to reuseaddr, it allows immediate restart after master processes termination, even if some child sockets are not completely shut down. With -lmlocal2, socat logs to stderr until successfully reaching the accept loop. Further logging is directed to syslog with facility local2.

socat TCP4-LISTEN:5555,fork,tcpwrap=script \

A simple server that accepts connections (TCP4-LISTEN) and forks a new child process for each connection; every child acts as single relay. The client must match the rules for daemon process name "script" in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny, otherwise it is refused access (see "man 5 hosts_access"). For EXECuting the program, the child process chroots to /home/sandbox, sus to user sandbox, and then starts the program /home/sandbox/bin/myscript. Socat and myscript communicate via a pseudo tty (pty); myscripts stderr is redirected to stdout, so its error messages are transferred via socat to the connected client.

socat EXEC:"",fdin=3,fdout=4 \,crnl,,mss=512 is a shell script, distributed with socat, that implements a simple SMTP client. It is programmed to "speak" SMTP on its FDs 3 (in) and 4 (out). The fdin and fdout options tell socat to use these FDs for communication with the program. Because inherits stdin and stdout while socat does not use them, the script can read a mail body from stdin. Socat makes alias1 your local source address (bind), cares for correct network line termination (crnl) and sends at most 512 data bytes per packet (mss).

socat - /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl

Opens an interactive connection via the serial line, e.g. for talking with a modem. raw and echo set ttyS0's terminal parameters to practicable values, crnl converts to correct newline characters. Consider using READLINE instead of `-'.

socat UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1,fork \,socksuser=nobody,sourceport=20

With UNIX-LISTEN, socat opens a listening UNIX domain socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X1. This path corresponds to local XWindow display :1 on your machine, so XWindow client connections to DISPLAY=:1 are accepted. Socat then speaks with the SOCKS4 server that might permit sourceport 20 based connections due to an FTP related weakness in its static IP filters. Socat pretends to be invoked by socksuser nobody, and requests to be connected to loopback port 6000 (only weak sockd configurations will allow this). So we get a connection to the victims XWindow server and, if it does not require MIT cookies or Kerberos authentication, we can start work. Please note that there can only be one connection at a time, because TCP can establish only one session with a given set of addresses and ports.

socat -u /tmp/readdata,seek-end=0,ignoreeof -

This is an example for unidirectional data transfer (-u). Socat transfers data from file /tmp/readdata (implicit address GOPEN), starting at its current end (seek-end=0 lets socat start reading at current end of file; use seek=0 or no seek option to first read the existing data) in a "tail -f" like mode (ignoreeof). The "file" might also be a listening UNIX domain socket (do not use a seek option then).

(sleep 5; echo PASSWORD; sleep 5; echo ls; sleep 1) |
socat - EXEC:'ssh -l user server',pty,setsid,ctty

EXECutes an ssh session to server. Uses a pty for communication between socat and ssh, makes it ssh's controlling tty (ctty), and makes this pty the owner of a new process group (setsid), so ssh accepts the password from socat.

socat -u TCP4-LISTEN:3334,reuseaddr,fork \

Implements a simple network based message collector. For each client connecting to port 3334, a new child process is generated (option fork). All data sent by the clients are appended to the file /tmp/in.log. If the file does not exist, socat creats it. Option reuseaddr allows immediate restart of the server process.

socat READLINE,noecho='[Pp]assword:' EXEC:'ftp',pty,setsid,ctty

Wraps a command line history (READLINE) around the EXECuted ftp client utility. This allows editing and reuse of FTP commands for relatively comfortable browsing through the ftp directory hierarchy. The password is echoed! pty is required to have ftp issue a prompt. Nevertheless, there may occur some confusion with the password and FTP prompts.

socat PTY,link=$HOME/dev/vmodem0,raw,echo=0,waitslave exec:'

Generates a pseudo terminal device (PTY) on the client that can be reached under the symbolic link $HOME/dev/vmodem0. An application that expects a serial line or modem can be configured to use $HOME/dev/vmodem0; its traffic will be directed to a modemserver via ssh where another socat instance links it with /dev/ttyS0.

socat TCP4-LISTEN:2022,reuseaddr,fork \,proxyport=3128,proxyauth=user:pass

starts a forwarder that accepts connections on port 2022, and directs them through the proxy daemon listening on port 3128 (proxyport) on host proxy, using the CONNECT method, where they are authenticated as "user" with "pass" (proxyauth). The proxy should establish connections to host on port 22 then.

echo |socat -u - file:/tmp/bigfile,create,largefile,seek=100000000000

creates a 100GB sparse file; this requires a file system type that supports this (ext2, ext3, reiserfs, jfs; not minix, vfat). The operation of writing 1 byte might take long (reiserfs: some minutes; ext2: "no" time), and the resulting file can consume some disk space with just its inodes (reiserfs: 2MB; ext2:16KB).

   socat tcp-l:7777,reuseaddr,fork system:filan -i 0 -s >&2,nofork

listens for incoming TCP connections on port 7777. For each accepted connection, invokes a shell. This shell has its stdin and stdout directly connected to the TCP socket (nofork). The shell starts filan and lets it print the socket addresses to stderr (your terminal window).

echo -e

functions as primitive binary editor: it writes the 4 bytes 000 014 000 000 to the executable /usr/bin/squid at offset 0x00074420 (this is a real world patch to make the squid executable from Cygwin run under Windows, actual per May 2004).

socat -,readbytes=1000

connect to an unknown service and prevent being flooded.




之前不用它的原因是同样的功能,socat要比nc要多打一些字符,实际上nc我也很少有,以至于记不全它的参数。最近想调试使用unixsock文件,发现gnu netcat实现不了,而openbsd netcat可以实现,而gnu netcat的一些选项openbsd netcat没有,而且服务器上只有gnu netcat,于是想还是用socat比较清净,而且功能更强大。



socat tcp-l:12345 -


echo xxx | socat - tcp:


udp: udp-listen, udp-connect

unix socket: unix-listen, unix-connect

unix datagram socket: unix-recvfrom, unix-sendto


ip1 # socat -u open:a.txt tcp-listen:8888

ip2 # socat -u tcp:ip1:8888 open:a.txt,create


ip1 # socat tcp-listen:8888 exec:bash,pty,stderr

ip2 # socat readline tcp:ip1:888


ip1(外网机器的内网地址) # socat tcp-listen:1234 tcp-listen:3389

ip2(内网机器) # socat tcp:ip1的外网地址:1234 tcp:ip1:3389

socat 使用方法与一点点心得

socat是一個netcat(nc)的替代產品,可以稱得上nc++。socat的特點就是在兩個流之間建立一個雙向的 通道。socat的地址類型很 多,有ip, tcp, udp, ipv6, pipe,exec,system,open,proxy,openssl,等等。看一個例子:

c:\>socat - tcp:

這個命令等同於 nc 80。 socat裡面,必須有兩個流,所以第一個參數-代表標準的輸入輸出,第二個流連接到192.168.1.18的80端口。再看一個反向telnet的例子:

on server:
c:\>socat tcp-listen:23 exec:cmd,pty,stderr


on client:
c:\>socat readline tcp:server:23

連接到服務器的23端口,即可獲得一個cmd shell。readline是gnu的命令行編輯器,具有歷史功能。


on host 1:
c:\>socat -u open:myfile.exe,binary tcp-listen:999

on host 2:
c:\>socat -u tcp:host1:999 open:myfile.exe,create,binary

這個命令把文件myfile.exe用二進制的方式,從host 1 傳到host 2。-u 表示數據單向流動,從第一個參數到第二個參數,-U表示從第二個到第一個。文件傳完了,自動退出。


c:\>socat tcp-listen:1234 tcp-listen:3389

c:\>socat tcp:outerhost:1234 tcp:



c:\>socat open:read.txt!!open:write.txt,create,append tcp-listen:80,reuseaddr,fork

這個命令實現一個假的web server,客戶端連過來之後,就把read.txt裡面的內容發過去,同時把客戶的數據保存到write.txt裡面。”!!”符號用戶合併讀寫流,前面的用於讀,後面的用於寫。



server:socat readline udp-listen:port  -------socat支持udp、tcp、https等,我测试了tcp和udp

client:socat udp:serverip:port exec:cmd,pty,stderr



外部:socat tcp-listen:11161,reuseaddr,fork tcp-listen:9833

内部:socat tcp:外部ip:11161,reuseaddr,fork tcp:



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