2009年,我从美国买回一台ThinkPad X200 Tablet,Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005版,服役几年一直很正常。直到2012年初的时候,突然发现电脑非常的慢,打开文件夹都特别慢。十分奇怪,于是我打开任务管理器Task Manager,吃惊的看到system进程持续占用50%,傻眼了。这让正常的进程怎么活啊。


首先,用Process Explorer看看进程的情况,在System进程下,子进程Interrupts占用50%。说明有大量的中断请求反复的出现,而且是潮水般的非正常的情况。立刻怀疑可能是某个硬件故障,导致大量无效的中断。打开Interrupts属性,看看线程Threads的情况,一个家伙反复出现,ntkrnlpa.exe,而且CSwitch非常高。由于ntkrnlpa是一个WinNT Kernel核心,所以初步估计是一个基础硬件功能不停的触发中断所致。

无奈只能继续分析ntkrnlpa.exe的中断请求统计情况。使用KrView工具,输入kernrate_i386_XP.exe -s 5 -z ntkrnlpa -v。这时能看见中断执行模块的统计结果,此时占用率最高的是KdDebuggerDataBlock和RtlIpv6StringToAddressA。开始稍微有点眉目了,怀疑是网卡出问题了。







This isn't a specific fix for this specific issue, but I've found with a very similar "excessive hardware interrupts" scenario I experienced over the past few months (Windows XP, Thinkpad T61) that:

  1. There was ample evidence in the output of the KrView.exe tool (KernRate from Microsoft) that these issues were caused by drivers that were responding to (or firing off) APIs with names like "AddDevice()", and that the vast majority of the unnecessary/excessive/CPU-consuming interrupts were directly related to these API calls.  (Note: KernRate is likely not supported on Windows Vista - at the very least, Microsoft strongly encourages those with Vista/Server 2008 or later to use the Windows Performance Analysis Tools in place of KernRate.  I have no experience using these tools, and cannot guess whether they provide similar detailed kernel tracing capabilities, but I surely hope so.)
  2. Disabling the "Intel(R) Management Engine Interface" helped reduce the number of occasions of this problem.
  3. Upgrading the "Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family" driver to the latest (v6.14.10.5029) finally stopped the last remaining case of these excessive Hardware Interrupts from occurring.

My conclusion?  This is not an uncommon type of API call for a driver to make/respond to - since many device drivers, such as multi-output video adapters and other hardware-controlling devices are trying to emulate the Windows "plug and play" behaviour.  Thus, it's likely there are many potential sources of these "excessive Hardware Interrupts", and addressing each potential troublesome driver is the only way to drive *all* the sources of the error to ground.  Thankfully I don't seem to *need* the Intel ME Interface driver for my computer to operate, and thankfully there was a recently-released version of the 965 video driver that didn't have the issue.  YMMV, and it's a long road to travel (I spent at least two months obsessively pursuing this issue), but I suspect there almost always *are* solutions, if you're patient and persistent enough.



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