This TCL script is retrieved from in November 2013 :)

# Codel test script v120513

# Run this to run CoDel AQM tests.
# ns codel.tcl f w c {b}Mb s d r
# where:
# f = # ftps
# w = # PackMime connections per second
# c = # CBRs
# b = bottleneck bandwidth in Mbps
# s = filesize for ftp, -1 for infinite
# d = dynamic bandwidth, if non-zero, changes (kind of kludgey)
# have to set the specific change ratios in this file (below)
# r = number of "reverse" ftps set stopTime 300
set ns [new Simulator] # These are defaults if values not set on command line set num_ftps 1
set web_rate 0
set revftp 0
set num_cbrs 0
#rate and packetSize set in build_cbr
set bottleneck 3Mb
#for a 10MB ftp
set filesize 10000000
set dynamic_bw 0
set greedy 0 # Parse command line if {$argc >= 1} {
set num_ftps [lindex $argv 0]
if {$argc >= 2} {
set web_rate [lindex $argv 1]
if {$argc >= 3} {
set num_cbrs [lindex $argv 2]
if {$argc >= 4} {
set bottleneck [lindex $argv 3]
if {$argc >= 5} {
set filesize [lindex $argv 4]
if {$argc >= 6} {
set dynamic_bw [lindex $argv 5]
if {$argc >= 7} {
set revftp [lindex $argv 6]
} set bw [bw_parse $bottleneck]
if { $revftp >= 1} {
set num_revs $revftp
} else {
set num_revs 0
puts "ftps $num_ftps webrate $web_rate cbrs $num_cbrs bw $bw filesize $filesize reverse $num_revs" # experiment settings
set psize 1500
if { $bw < 1000000} { set psize 500 }
set nominal_rtt [delay_parse 100ms]
set accessdly 20
set bdelay 10
set realrtt [expr 2*(2*$accessdly + $bdelay)]
puts "accessdly $accessdly bneckdly $bdelay realrtt $realrtt bneckbw $bw" # CoDel values
# interval to keep min over
set interval [delay_parse 100ms]
# target in ms.
set target [delay_parse 5ms] global defaultRNG
$defaultRNG seed 0
ns-random 0
#$defaultRNG seed 54321
#ns-random 23145 # ------- config info is all above this line ---------- #bdp in packets, based on the nominal rtt
set bdp [expr round($bw*$nominal_rtt/(8*$psize))] Trace set show_tcphdr_ 1
set startTime 0.0 #TCP parameters - have to set both for FTPs and PackMime Agent/TCP set window_ [expr $bdp*16]
Agent/TCP set segsize_ [expr $psize-40]
Agent/TCP set packetSize_ [expr $psize-40]
Agent/TCP set windowInit_ 4
Agent/TCP set segsperack_ 1
Agent/TCP set timestamps_ true
set delack 0.4
Agent/TCP set interval_ $delack Agent/TCP/FullTcp set window_ [expr $bdp*16]
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set segsize_ [expr $psize-40]
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set packetSize_ [expr $psize-40]
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set windowInit_ 4
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set segsperack_ 1
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set timestamps_ true
Agent/TCP/FullTcp set interval_ $delack Agent/TCP/Linux instproc done {} {
global ns filesize
#this doesn't seem to work, had to hack to do repeat ftps
$self set closed_ 0
#needs to be delayed by at least .3sec to slow start
puts "[$ns now] TCP/Linux proc done called"
$ns at [expr [$ns now] + 0.3] "$self send $filesize"
} # problem is that idle() in never seems to get called...
Application/FTP instproc resume {} {
puts "called resume"
global filesize
$self send $filesize
# $ns at [expr [$ns now] + 0.5] "[$self agent] reset"
$ns at [expr [$ns now] + 0.5] "[$self agent] send $filesize"
} Application/FTP instproc fire {} {
global filesize
$self instvar maxpkts_
set maxpkts_ $filesize
[$self agent] set maxpkts_ $filesize
$self send $maxpkts_
puts "fire() FTP"
} #buffersizes
set buffersize [expr $bdp]
set buffersize1 [expr $bdp*10] Queue/CoDel set target_ $target
Queue/CoDel set interval_ $interval #set Flow_id 1 proc build_topology { ns which } {
# nodes n0 and n1 are the server and client side gateways and
# the link between them is the congested slow link. n0 -> n1
# handles all the server to client traffic.
# if the web_rate is non-zero, node n2 will be the packmime server cloud
# and node n3 will be the client cloud.
# num_ftps server nodes and client nodes are created for the ftp sessions.
# the first client node is n{2+w} and the first server node is n{2+f+w}
# where 'f' is num_ftps and 'w' is 1 if web_rate>0 and 0 otherwise.
# servers will be even numbered nodes, clients odd
# Warning: the numbering here is ridiculously complicated global bw bdelay accessdly buffersize buffersize1 filesize node_cnt
set node_cnt 2 # congested link
global n0 n1
set n0 [$ns node]
set n1 [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 $bw ${bdelay}ms CoDel
$ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 orient right
$ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 queuePos 0.5
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n0 queuePos 1.5
$ns queue-limit $n0 $n1 $buffersize
$ns queue-limit $n1 $n0 $buffersize
set node_cnt 2 #dynamic bandwidth
# these are the multipliers for changing bw, times initial set bw
# edit these values to get different patterns
global stopTime dynamic_bw
array names bw_changes
set bw_changes(1) 0.1
set bw_changes(2) 0.01
set bw_changes(3) 0.5
set bw_changes(4) 0.01
set bw_changes(5) 1.0 puts "bottleneck starts at [[[$ns link $n0 $n1] link] set bandwidth_]bps"
for {set k 1} {$k <= $dynamic_bw} {incr k 1} {
set changeTime [expr $k*$stopTime/($dynamic_bw+1)]
set f $bw_changes($k)
set newBW [expr $f*$bw]
puts "change at $changeTime to [expr $newBW/1000000.]Mbps"
$ns at $changeTime "[[$ns link $n0 $n1] link] set bandwidth_ $newBW"
$ns at $changeTime "[[$ns link $n1 $n0] link] set bandwidth_ $newBW"
$ns at $changeTime "puts $newBW"
} set li_10 [[$ns link $n1 $n0] queue]
set li_01 [[$ns link $n0 $n1] queue] set tchan_ [open /tmp/ w]
$li_01 trace curq_
$li_01 trace d_exp_
$li_01 attach $tchan_ global num_ftps web_rate num_cbrs greedy num_revs
set linkbw [expr $bw*10] set w [expr $web_rate > 0]
if {$w} {
global n2 n3
set n2 [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link $n2 $n0 $linkbw ${accessdly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit $n2 $n0 $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit $n0 $n2 $buffersize1 #client
set n3 [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link $n1 $n3 $linkbw ${accessdly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit $n1 $n3 $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit $n3 $n1 $buffersize1
set node_cnt 4
#need to fix the angles if use nam
for {set k 0} {$k < $num_ftps} {incr k 1} {
# servers
set j $node_cnt
global n$j
set n$j [$ns node]
if {$greedy > 0 && $k == 0} {
$ns duplex-link [set n$j] $n0 $linkbw 1ms DropTail
} else {
$ns duplex-link [set n$j] $n0 $linkbw ${accessdly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit [set n$j] $n0 $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit $n0 [set n$j] $buffersize1
set angle [expr $num_ftps>1? 0.75+($k-1)*.5/($num_ftps-1) : 1]
$ns duplex-link-op $n0 [set n$j] orient $angle
incr node_cnt # clients
set j $node_cnt
global n$j
set n$j [$ns node]
set dly [expr ${accessdly} +($k+1)]
$ns duplex-link $n1 [set n$j] $linkbw ${dly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit $n1 [set n$j] $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit [set n$j] $n1 $buffersize1
set angle [expr $num_ftps>1? fmod(2.25-($k-1)*.5/($num_ftps-1), 2) : 0]
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 [set n$j] orient $angle
incr node_cnt
for {set k 0} {$k < $num_cbrs} {incr k 1} {
# servers
set j $node_cnt
global n$j
set n$j [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link [set n$j] $n0 $linkbw ${accessdly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit [set n$j] $n0 $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit $n0 [set n$j] $buffersize1
# set angle [expr $num_cbrs>1? 0.75+($k-1)*.5/($num_cbrs-1) : 1]
$ns duplex-link-op $n0 [set n$j] orient $angle
incr node_cnt # clients
set j $node_cnt
global n$j
set n$j [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link $n1 [set n$j] $linkbw ${accessdly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit $n1 [set n$j] $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit [set n$j] $n1 $buffersize1
# set angle [expr $num_cbrs>1? fmod(2.25-($k-1)*.5/($num_ftps-1), 2) : 0]
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 [set n$j] orient $angle
incr node_cnt
#reverse direction ftps
for {set k 0} {$k < $num_revs} {incr k 1} {
# clients
set j $node_cnt
global n$j
set n$j [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link [set n$j] $n0 $linkbw ${accessdly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit [set n$j] $n0 $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit $n0 [set n$j] $buffersize1
set angle [expr $num_ftps>1? 0.75+($k-1)*.5/($num_ftps-1) : 1]
$ns duplex-link-op $n0 [set n$j] orient $angle
incr node_cnt # servers
set j $node_cnt
global n$j
set n$j [$ns node]
set dly [expr ($accessdly)*1.1 +($k+1)]
$ns duplex-link $n1 [set n$j] $linkbw ${dly}ms DropTail
$ns queue-limit $n1 [set n$j] $buffersize1
$ns queue-limit [set n$j] $n1 $buffersize1
set angle [expr $num_ftps>1? fmod(2.25-($k-1)*.5/($num_ftps-1), 2) : 0]
$ns duplex-link-op $n1 [set n$j] orient $angle
incr node_cnt
} proc build_cbr {cnd snd startTime timeToStop Flow_id} {
global ns
set udp [$ns create-connection UDP $snd LossMonitor $cnd $Flow_id]
set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr attach-agent $udp
# change these for different types of CBRs
$cbr set packetSize_ 100
$cbr set rate_ 0.064Mb
$ns at $startTime "$cbr start"
$ns at $timeToStop "$cbr stop"
} # cnd is client node, snd is server node
proc build_ftpclient {cnd snd startTime timeToStop Flow_id} { global ns filesize greedy revftp
set ctcp [$ns create-connection TCP/Linux $snd TCPSink/Sack1 $cnd $Flow_id]
$ctcp select_ca cubic
set ftp [$ctcp attach-app FTP]
$ftp set enableResume_ true
$ftp set type_ FTP #set up a single infinite ftp with smallest RTT
if {$greedy > 0 || $filesize < 0} {
$ns at $startTime "$ftp start"
set greedy 0
} else {
$ns at $startTime "$ftp send $filesize"
$ns at $timeToStop "$ftp stop"
} proc build_webs {cnd snd rate startTime timeToStop} {
set CLIENT 0
set pm [new PackMimeHTTP]
$pm set-TCP Sack
$pm set-client $cnd
$pm set-server $snd
$pm set-rate $rate; # new connections per second
$pm set-http-1.1; # use HTTP/1.1 # create RandomVariables
set flow_arrive [new RandomVariable/PackMimeHTTPFlowArrive $rate]
set req_size [new RandomVariable/PackMimeHTTPFileSize $rate $CLIENT]
set rsp_size [new RandomVariable/PackMimeHTTPFileSize $rate $SERVER] # assign RNGs to RandomVariables
$flow_arrive use-rng [new RNG]
$req_size use-rng [new RNG]
$rsp_size use-rng [new RNG] # set PackMime variables
$pm set-flow_arrive $flow_arrive
$pm set-req_size $req_size
$pm set-rsp_size $rsp_size global ns
$ns at $startTime "$pm start"
$ns at $timeToStop "$pm stop"
} proc uniform {a b} {
expr $a + (($b- $a) * ([ns-random]*1.0/0x7fffffff))
} proc finish {} {
global ns
$ns halt
$ns flush-trace
exit 0
} # $ns namtrace-all [open out.nam w]
# $ns color 2 blue
# $ns color 3 red
# $ns color 4 yellow
# $ns color 5 green build_topology $ns CoDel #$ns trace-queue $n0 $n1 [open w]
#set fname f${num_ftps}w${web_rate}b${bottleneck}.tr
set fname
puts $fname
$ns trace-queue $n0 $n1 [open /tmp/$fname w]
#reverse direction
#$ns trace-queue $n1 $n0 [open /tmp/$fname w] set node_cnt 2
if {$web_rate > 0} {
build_webs $n3 $n2 $web_rate 0 $stopTime
set node_cnt 4
} for {set k 1} {$k <= $num_ftps} {incr k 1} {
set j $node_cnt
incr node_cnt
set i $node_cnt
build_ftpclient [set n$i] [set n$j] \
$startTime $stopTime $i
# [expr 1.0*($k-1)] $stopTime $i
# [expr $startTime+($k-1)*[uniform 0.0 2.0]] $stopTime $i
incr node_cnt
} for {set k 1} {$k <= $num_cbrs} {incr k 1} {
set j $node_cnt
incr node_cnt
set i $node_cnt
build_cbr [set n$i] [set n$j] \
[expr $startTime+($k-1)*[uniform 0.0 2.0]] $stopTime $i
incr node_cnt
} #for reverse direction, give client smaller number
for {set k 1} {$k <= $num_revs} {incr k 1} {
set j $node_cnt
incr node_cnt
set i $node_cnt
build_ftpclient [set n$j] [set n$i] $startTime $stopTime $j
incr node_cnt
} $ns at [expr $stopTime ] "finish"
$ns run
exit 0


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