WEB 分页功能的实现
// 建立Linq 数据库的连接
private MYDateDataContext context = new MYDateDataContext();

// 设定每页几条数据
private const int PAGESIZE = 3;

public int GetPageNo()
int PageNo =(int) Math.Ceiling(context.Car.Count()/PAGESIZE*1.0);
return PageNo;

public List<Car> GetPageCar( int PageNo)
var mimi = context.Car.Skip(PAGESIZE * PageNo - 1).Take(PAGESIZE);
return mimi.ToList();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nowpage = 1;
if( Request["pageno"]!=null)
nowpage = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pageno"]);
List<Car> list = GetPageCar(nowpage);

// 给repeater 绑定数据源
Repeater1.DataSource = list;// 获取数据源
Repeater1.DataBind();// 绑定数据源

// 给hyup hydown 绑定数据

// 获取列表分页的最大值;
int Pageno = GetPageNo();

// 如果当前页为最大值 向上的键不可用
if (Pageno == nowpage)
hydown.Enabled = false;
hydown.Enabled = true;
hydown.NavigateUrl = "web1.aspx?pageno=" + (nowpage + 1).ToString();
if (nowpage == 1)
hyup.Enabled = false;

hyup.Enabled = true;
hyup.NavigateUrl = "web1.aspx?pageno=" + (nowpage - 1).ToString();

//给首页 绑定数据
hyfirst.NavigateUrl = "web1.aspx?pageno=1";
// 给尾页绑定数据
hyend.NavigateUrl = "web1.aspx?pageno=" + GetPageNo().ToString();


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int lenth = TextBox1.Text.Trim().Length;

// 将页面输入的值读取出来
if (lenth!=0 )
int Gono = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);

if (Gono < 1)
// 如果要跳转的页面小于实际页数 跳转到本页
Response.Redirect("web1.aspx");// 跳转的指定页

else if (Gono > GetPageNo())
Response.Redirect("web1.aspx?pageno=" + GetPageNo());
Response.Redirect("web1.aspx?pageno=" + Gono);



注意点:HyperLink 超链接
HyperLink 控件用于创建超链接;


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