获取iphone的系统信息使用[UIDevice currentDevice],信息例如以下:

[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemName]:系统名称,如iPhone OS

[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]:系统版本号。如iOS 8.0

[[UIDevice currentDevice] model]:The model of the device,如iPhone或者iPod touch

[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]:设备的惟一标识号,deviceID

[[UIDevice currentDevice] name]:设备的名称,如 张三的iPhone

[[UIDevice currentDevice] localizedModel]:The model of the device as a localized string,类似model

[UIDevice currentDevice].batteryState  设备的电池状态

[UIDevice currentDevice].batteryLevel  设备的电池充电状况

[UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom


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