
# LTB Self Service Password
# Copyright (C) 2009 Clement OUDOT
# Copyright (C) 2009 LTB-project.org
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# GPL License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
# All the default values are kept here, you should not modify it but use
# config.inc.local.php file instead to override the settings from here.
# Configuration
# Debug mode
# true: log and display any errors or warnings (use this in configuration/testing)
# false: log only errors and do not display them (use this in production)
$debug = false; //调试模式
$ldap_url = "LDAPS://dc.xxxx.cn";  //LDAP服务器地址
$ldap_starttls = false;  ////LDAP服务器是否支持TLS
$ldap_binddn = "CN=xxx,CN=Users,DC=xxxx,DC=cn";  //连接LDAP服务器的账户DN
$ldap_bindpw = "xxxxxx";  //连接LDAP服务器的账户DN的密码
$ldap_base = "OU=1-XXXX,DC=xxxx,DC=cn";  //检索OU的路径
$ldap_login_attribute = "sAMAccountName";  //LDAP用户名字段
$ldap_fullname_attribute = "cn";  //LDAP用户全名字段
$ldap_filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={login})(sAMAccountType=805306368)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))";  //过滤LDAP用户规则
# Active Directory mode
# true: use unicodePwd as password field
# false: LDAPv3 standard behavior
$ad_mode = true;  //是否启用Active Directory模式
# Force account unlock when password is changed
$ad_options['force_unlock'] = true; //强制解锁:当密码更改将解锁锁定帐户
# Force user change password at next login
$ad_options['force_pwd_change'] = false;  //强制用户在下次登录时更改密码
# Allow user with expired password to change password
$ad_options['change_expired_password'] = true;  //允许用户更改密码,如果密码过期
# Samba mode
# true: update sambaNTpassword and sambaPwdLastSet attributes too
# false: just update the password
$samba_mode = false;  //是否启用Samba模式
# Set password min/max age in Samba attributes
#$samba_options['min_age'] = 5;
#$samba_options['max_age'] = 45;
# Shadow options - require shadowAccount objectClass
# Update shadowLastChange
$shadow_options['update_shadowLastChange'] = false;
$shadow_options['update_shadowExpire'] = false;
# Default to -1, never expire
$shadow_options['shadow_expire_days'] = -1;
# Hash mechanism for password:
# SSHA, SSHA256, SSHA384, SSHA512
# SHA, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
# SMD5
# MD5
# clear (the default)
# auto (will check the hash of current password)
# This option is not used with ad_mode = true
$hash = "clear";  //启用密码加密算法,此选项在Active Directory模式下被忽略。
# Prefix to use for salt with CRYPT
$hash_options['crypt_salt_prefix'] = "$6$";
$hash_options['crypt_salt_length'] = "6";
# Local password policy
# This is applied before directory password policy
# Minimal length
$pwd_min_length = 6;  //定义最短密码位数
# Maximal length
$pwd_max_length = 14;  //定义最长密码位数
# Minimal lower characters
$pwd_min_lower = 0;  //定义密码应包含多少位小写字母
# Minimal upper characters
$pwd_min_upper = 0;  //定义密码应包含多少位大写字母
# Minimal digit characters
$pwd_min_digit = 0;  //定义密码应包含多少位数字
# Minimal special characters
$pwd_min_special = 0;  //定义密码应包含多少位特殊字符
# Definition of special characters
$pwd_special_chars = "^a-zA-Z0-9";  //定义密码正则表达式
# Forbidden characters
#$pwd_forbidden_chars = "@%";  //定义密码禁止的特殊字符
# Don't reuse the same password as currently
$pwd_no_reuse = true;  //是否禁止使用重复密码
# Check that password is different than login
$pwd_diff_login = true;  //检查密码是否与登录密码不同
# Complexity: number of different class of character required
$pwd_complexity = 3;  //定义密码应包含多少种组合
# use pwnedpasswords api v2 to securely check if the password has been on a leak
$use_pwnedpasswords = false;  //检查密码是否已在https://haveibeenpwned.com数据库中泄露
# Show policy constraints message:
# always
# never
# onerror
$pwd_show_policy = "always";  //是否显示密码更改策略
# Position of password policy constraints message:
# above - the form
# below - the form
$pwd_show_policy_pos = "above";  //定义密码更改策略显示位置
# Who changes the password?
# Also applicable for question/answer save
# user: the user itself
# manager: the above binddn
$who_change_password = "manager";  //定义使用什么账户来修改密码,如选用manager请确保binddn用户有修改用户密码的权限(建议域管理员身份)
## Standard change
# Use standard change form?
$use_change = true;  //启用密码更改功能
## SSH Key Change
# Allow changing of sshPublicKey?
$change_sshkey = false;
# What attribute should be changed by the changesshkey action?
$change_sshkey_attribute = "sshPublicKey";
# Who changes the sshPublicKey attribute?
# Also applicable for question/answer save
# user: the user itself
# manager: the above binddn
$who_change_sshkey = "user";
# Notify users anytime their sshPublicKey is changed
## Requires mail configuration below
$notify_on_sshkey_change = false;
## Questions/answers
# Use questions/answers?
# true (default)
# false
$use_questions = true;  //启用问题答案修改密码功能
# Answer attribute should be hidden to users!
$answer_objectClass = "user";  //如果$answer_attribute属性不是在标准用户对象类,配置对象类与此属性的使用方法,在Active Directory中,extensibleObject的是不知道。您可以使用user,
$answer_attribute = "info";  //LDAP用户存储问题密码字段,属性名称必须是小写
# Crypt answers inside the directory
$crypt_answers = false;  //是否加密问题答案
# Extra questions (built-in questions are in lang/$lang.inc.php)
#$messages['questions']['ice'] = "What is your favorite ice cream flavor?";
$messages['questions']['Q3'] = "你少年时代最好的朋友叫什么名字?";  //额外的问题
$messages['questions']['Q4'] = "你的第一个宠物叫什么名字?";
$messages['questions']['Q5'] = "你第一次坐飞机是去哪里?";
$messages['questions']['Q6'] = "你的理想工作是什么?";
$messages['questions']['Q7'] = "你拥有的第一辆车是什么型号?";
$messages['questions']['Q8'] = "你童年时代的绰号是什么?";
$messages['questions']['Q9'] = "你的第一个上司叫什么名字?";
$messages['questions']['Q10'] = "您最喜欢哪个球队?";
## Token
# Use tokens?
# true (default)
# false
$use_tokens = true;  //启用邮件修改密码功能
# Crypt tokens?
# true (default)
# false
$crypt_tokens = true;  //是否保持会话标识符,就是令牌生命周期
# Token lifetime in seconds
$token_lifetime = "3600";  //保持会话标识符时长(秒)
## Mail
# LDAP mail attribute
$mail_attribute = "wWWHomePage";  //LDAP用户存储邮箱地址字段
# Get mail address directly from LDAP (only first mail entry)
# and hide mail input field
# default = false
$mail_address_use_ldap = false;  //是否直接从LDAP获取邮件地址并隐藏邮件输入字段
# Who the email should come from
$mail_from = "service@xxxx.cn";  //定义邮件发件人地址
$mail_from_name = "Service";  //定义邮件发件人名称
$mail_signature = "";  //定义邮件发件人签名
# Notify users anytime their password is changed
$notify_on_change = true;  //定义更改密码时是否通知用户
# PHPMailer configuration (see https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer)    //设置PHPMailer的所有参数
$mail_sendmailpath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$mail_protocol = 'smtp';
$mail_smtp_debug = 0;
$mail_debug_format = 'html';
$mail_smtp_host = 'mail.xxxx.cn';
$mail_smtp_auth = true;
$mail_smtp_user = 'service@xxxx.cn';
$mail_smtp_pass = 'xxxxxx';
$mail_smtp_port = 587;
$mail_smtp_timeout = 30;
$mail_smtp_keepalive = false;
$mail_smtp_secure = 'tls';
$mail_smtp_autotls = true;
$mail_contenttype = 'text/plain';
$mail_wordwrap = 0;
$mail_charset = 'utf-8';
$mail_priority = 3;
$mail_newline = PHP_EOL;
## SMS
# Use sms
$use_sms = true;  //启用短信修改密码功能
# SMS method (mail, api)
$sms_method = "api";  //定义使用哪种方法发送短信
$sms_api_lib = "lib/smsapi.inc.php";  //API脚本配置
# GSM number attribute
$sms_attribute = "mobile";  //LDAP用户存储手机号码字段
# Partially hide number
$sms_partially_hide_number = true;  //页面是否部分隐藏号码
# Send SMS mail to address
$smsmailto = "{sms_attribute}@service.provider.com";  //定义使用mail方法发送短信时发送短信到的邮件地址
# Subject when sending email to SMTP to SMS provider
$smsmail_subject = "Provider code";  //定义向SMTP提供商发送电子邮件时的主题
# Message
$sms_message = "{smsresetmessage} {smstoken}";  //定义消息模板
# Remove non digit characters from GSM number
$sms_sanitize_number = false;  //从手机号码中删除非数字字符
# Truncate GSM number
$sms_truncate_number = false;  //是否截断手机号码
$sms_truncate_number_length = 10;
# SMS token length
$sms_token_length = 6;  //短信验证码长度
# Max attempts allowed for SMS token
$max_attempts = 3;  //单个短信验证码重试次数
# Encryption, decryption keyphrase, required if $crypt_tokens = true
# Please change it to anything long, random and complicated, you do not have to remember it
# Changing it will also invalidate all previous tokens and SMS codes
$keyphrase = "xxxxxx";  //密钥短语,如果$crypt_tokens = true则需要更改为任何内容,不必记住它,更改它也会使所有以前的令牌和短信代码无效。
# Reset URL (if behind a reverse proxy)
#$reset_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];  //默认情况下,重置密码URL使用服务器名称和端口计算的,但如果应用背后是一个反向代理,这些值可能是错误的。在这种情况下,你可以自己设置网址
# Display help messages
$show_help = true;  //是否显示帮助信息
# Default language
$lang = "zh-CN";  //默认显示语言
# List of authorized languages. If empty, all language are allowed.
# If not empty and the user's browser language setting is not in that list, language from $lang will be used.
$allowed_lang = array();  //定义授权语言列表。 如果为空,则允许使用所有语言。
# Display menu on top
$show_menu = true;  //是否显示导航栏
# Logo
$logo = "images/logo.png";  //LOGO地址
# Background image
$background_image = "images/unsplash-lanse.jpg";  //背景图调用
# Where to log password resets - Make sure apache has write permission
# By default, they are logged in Apache log
$reset_request_log = "logs/self.log";  //定义日志存放路径,默认生成的URL记录在Apache日志中。
# Invalid characters in login
# Set at least "*()&|" to prevent LDAP injection
# If empty, only alphanumeric characters are accepted
$login_forbidden_chars = "*()&|";  //登录保护,以避免LDAP注射。某些字符是被禁止的
## CAPTCHA  //以下为谷歌CAPTCHA验证码调用配置
# Use Google reCAPTCHA (http://www.google.com/recaptcha)
$use_recaptcha = false;
# Go on the site to get public and private key
$recaptcha_publickey = "";
$recaptcha_privatekey = "";
# Customization (see https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/display)
$recaptcha_theme = "light";
$recaptcha_type = "image";
$recaptcha_size = "normal";
# reCAPTCHA request method, null for default, Fully Qualified Class Name to override
# Useful when allow_url_fopen=0 ex. $recaptcha_request_method = '\ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\CurlPost';
$recaptcha_request_method = null;
## Default action
# change
# sendtoken
# sendsms
$default_action = "change";  //配置默认页面
## Extra messages  //编辑消息模板
# They can also be defined in lang/ files
#$messages['passwordchangedextramessage'] = NULL;
$messages['changehelpextramessage'] = ">>帐户被锁定请使用导航栏中的其他方式解锁账户并重置密码。<br />回答问题重置密码:请确认您已自行设置答案。<br />通过邮件发送链接:请确认您已联系管理员设置邮箱。<br />通过短信重置密码:请确认您已联系管理员设置手机号码。";
# Launch a posthook script after successful password change
#$posthook = "/usr/share/self-service-password/posthook.sh";  //密码更改成功后启动posthook脚本
#$display_posthook_error = true;
# Hide some messages to not disclose sensitive information
# These messages will be replaced by badcredentials error
$obscure_failure_messages = array("mailnomatch");  //让一些错误不显示



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