
import threading
from time import sleep,ctime #超级播放器
def super_player(file,time):
for i in range(2):
print('Start playing: %s! %s' %(file,ctime()))
sleep(time) list = {'爱情买卖.mp3':3,'阿凡达.mp4':5,'我和你.mp3':2} #创建线程数组
threads = []
files = range(len(list)) for file,time in list.items():
t = threading.Thread(target=super_player,args=(file,time))
threads.append(t) if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in files:
threads[i].start() #守护线程
for i in files:
threads[i].join() print('all end: %s' %ctime())
首先创建字典 list ,用于定义要播放的文件及时长(秒),通过字典的 items()方法来循环的取 file

和 time,取到的这两个值用于创建线程。

接着创建 super_player()函数,用于接收 file 和 time,用于确定要播放的文件及时长。

Start playing: 爱情买卖.mp3! Thu Oct 18 10:06:57 2018
Start playing: 阿凡达.mp4! Thu Oct 18 10:06:57 2018
Start playing: 我和你.mp3! Thu Oct 18 10:06:57 2018
Start playing: 我和你.mp3! Thu Oct 18 10:06:59 2018
Start playing: 爱情买卖.mp3! Thu Oct 18 10:07:00 2018
Start playing: 阿凡达.mp4! Thu Oct 18 10:07:02 2018
all end: Thu Oct 18 10:07:07 2018


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