1. jsclick 也不管用

Actions action = new Actions(driver);
WebElement theRow = page.getInvisibleElement();
page.getInvisibleElement().click(); 或page.getInvisibleElement().click();再获取一遍theRow

2.Issue : Cannot get text of a hidden element, SeleniumUtil. scrollIntoView(element) also doesn’t work for the element

Solution :  JavaScript to get the text of hidden element.

Code :

WebElement tickerEl = el.findElement(By.cssSelector("td.auto-left"));

String tickerName = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return jQuery(arguments[0]).text();", tickerEl);

String tickTmp =StringUtils.trim(tickerName);

logger.info("Ticker : "+tickTmp);

3.Issue : Search function doesn't work sometime after we input the search condition, I guess it may cause by the realization method, the UI may only check the search condition each period of time,

If the input miss the check,  we need to input again

Solution : If the drop down list doesn’t display the first time after inputting search condition, clear it and input the search condition again

4.Issue : Cannot get text of the columns which doesn’t show out, we need to drag the scroll bar to make it display when do testing manually.

Solution :  Use SeleniumUtil.scrollIntoView(driver, el);

Code :

for (WebElement el : columns) {


SeleniumUtil.scrollIntoView(driver, el);


logger.info("Column : " + el.getText());

… …





6.问题:“确认”按钮通过class name或 css定位不到


通过xpath 定位,再点击


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