1.在Products解决方案文件夹下面新建一个项目 .net Core/Asp.net Core Web应用程序  取名Product.WebApi/选择Web Api core2.0版本 不进行身份验证


3.这个webapi项目只依赖于AppSrv项目,所以添加引用 Product.AppSrv。


namespace Product.WebApi.Controllers
public class ProductController : Controller
public ResultEntity<bool> AddProduct([FromBody] AddProductSPUDto addProductSPUDto)
var result = new ResultEntity<bool>();
var productdbcontext =new ProductEFCoreContext();
var irepsotory = new EFCoreRepository(productdbcontext);
var iproductrepsitory = new ProductEFCoreRepository(productdbcontext);
var addproductspuusecase = new AddProductSPUUseCase(irepsotory, iproductrepsitory);
result = addproductspuusecase.AddProduct(addProductSPUDto);
result.IsSuccess = true;
result.count = ;
result.Msg = "上架产品成功";
catch (Exception ex)
result.ErrorCode = ;
result.Msg = ex.Message;
return result;
} }


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