cover story(封面故事):

  • Clean energy’s dirty secret:清洁能源的肮脏幕后;

0. 词汇

  • respite:n. 缓解;暂缓;暂时的休息;缓期执行;也作及物动词(vt)

    • the respite in the euro crisis
  • ordeal:n. 折磨;严酷的考验;痛苦的经验
    • how dispiriting that Europe is still so ill-prepared for the ordeal to come.
  • alter:改变;
  • austere:adj. 严峻的;简朴的;苦行的;无装饰的
  • oust:vt,驱逐,剥夺,
  • predecessor:n. 前任,前辈
  • accommodate:vt. 容纳;使适应;供应;调解

1. 文化典故

  • Achilles heel:阿喀琉斯之踵,致命要害

    • Europe’s Achilles heel

2. 经济

  • bail-out:n. 跳伞;以优先股发给股东作为红利之行为

    • bail-out fund 救市资金
    • bail-out plan 救援计划 ; 经济稳定紧急法案
  • Fiscal compact:

    • European Fiscal Compact:欧洲财政协定

3. sentences

  • Time is short.

    • Time is short in that you have to move very quickly.
    • 时间又是短暂的,因为你必须时常做出改变。
  • with so much at stake,带着这么多恩恩怨怨,

4. 政治

  • mandate:授权,命令;

    • mandatory:强制的,
  • chancellor:总理,
    • Angela Merkel,Germany’s chancellor
  • looming:adj. 隐隐约约的;正在逼近的

    Another government spending(政府开支) crisis is looming in the United States.
  • endorse:背书,认可,附议,在背面签名;
    • we endorse Hilary Clinton for president.
  • fiscal:adj. 会计的,财政的;国库的;fiscal team:财政团队;

5. 社会

  • hazard:

    • vt. 赌运气;冒…的危险,使遭受危险;
    • n. 危险,冒险;冒险的事
    • moral hazard,道德风险,

6. 修辞

  • contagion:n,传染病,蔓延,

    • contagion from a Greek exit would infect Portugal, Ireland and even Spain and Italy.
  • delusion:迷惑,欺骗,

    • self-delusion


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