Code Path:

Extract Story to TXT

In order to move the story from .clj into .txt, I leveraged Clojure's eval function. The steps are as follows:

1. Read the contents from the story's txt as string;

2. Eval each key-value pair of each room;

3. Sort the rooms by name.

This works, but is not good enough. Because there are functions defined in the story, as a story writer, you have to test your story as .clj, rather than .txt.

For example:

{:id 5
:category 2
:name "password-panel"
:description {:default-check (str "There are button 0~9 on the panel. The length of the password seems to be 4. Maybe you can " (enclose "press") " the buttons...")}
:state (atom "")
:action [{:name "press"
:description (str "Press button 0~9 on the " (enclose "password-panel"))
:usage "pr/pre/pres/press 0~9(1 digit at a time). Eg. pr 0"
:hint ["press"]
#(let [player-id %1
button (parse-int %2 -1)]
(if (or (> button 9) (< button 0))
(display "Invalid button: " %2)
(let [state (:state (locate-by-id player-id 5))]
(swap! state (comp string/join reverse (partial concat %2) reverse))
(if (> (count @state) 4)
(swap! state subs 1 5))
(display "You pressed button " button)
(if (and (= @state "2048")
(not (visible? player-id 6)))
(set-visible player-id 6)
(display (str "The bottom of the " (enclose "password-panel") " opened. A " (enclose "key") " fell down to the floor.")))))))}]}

The code above is the logic of determining whether the player has entered correct password when pressing the password-panel.

It requires the story writer to implement the complicated status transition.


From the first trial player's feedbacks, this game is not easy to play, because players may get stuck and don't know what's the next command that pushes the game forward. So I added this hint system, which bases on the definition
of each action and the player's last action. The player can decide which of the options to be the next step.

For example, when the player discovers the password-panel, then type "hint" command, the server will return a message telling the player to try "press", as shown in the code above.

The next chapter will give a brief introduction of the E2E process of this game.


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