Because now deploys are immutable, you can’t push changes to a running instance - you just push a new instance, which means you get a new URL. But doesn’t that mean your URL is always changing? How do you share a link to your application? By using now alias to point a custom name to a specific deployment.

now alias <url> <new_name>

new_name: can be anything, such as: "demo-site"

url: is the now url that deployed.

But when you updated the site, you need to re-point the alias to new url.


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  5. Keepalived 配置实例
  6. windows ftp 连接serv_U 管理员
  7. HackerRank &quot;Kruskal (MST): Really Special Subtree&quot;
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  10. 在Html中使用JavaScript的几点小结
  11. BW增强数据源的两种方法
  12. js的reduce方法,改变头等函数
  13. 转载:win7JDK环境配置
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  16. Spring Boot 系列教程6-全局异常处理
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  18. ●codeforces 528D Fuzzy Search
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  3. 自定义控件学习——下拉刷新ListView
  4. Day6上午解题
  5. 1.26 Python知识进阶 - 继承
  6. AJAX - 封装AJAX GET 数组join( )方法 键值对取value POST请求参数注意点
  7. Python数据类型中的字符串类型
  8. git提交代码到本地仓库和远程仓库
  9. 洛谷 P3955 图书管理员【民间数据】
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