Declaring templates and elements inside of templates works great for most scenarios. Sometimes you need a bit more control over what your component will do with the props and children it receives, so Vue provides a render function that allows you complete programmatic control over every argument using JSX.

We have a parent component which renders:

        <Content slot="content" :limit="4">
<div><img src="" alt=""></div>
<div><img src="" alt=""></div>
<div><img src="" alt=""></div>
<div><img src="" alt=""></div>
<div><img src="" alt=""></div>


import { shuffle } from "lodash"
export default {
functional: true,
render: (createElement, { children, props, data }) => {
if(props.limit) {
return createElement('div', data, shuffle(children.slice(0, props.limit)));
} else {
return createElement('div', data, shuffle(children));

You can also using JSX:


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