The checkbox plugin makes multiselection possible using three-state checkboxes.



A boolean. Default is false.

If set to true all selection will be handled by checkboxes. The checkbox plugin will map UI's get_selected function to its ownget_checked function and overwrite the UI reselect function. It will also disable the select_nodedeselect_node anddeselect_all functions. If left as false nodes can be selected and checked independently.


A Boolean. Default is true.

When set to true when programatically checking a node in the tree all of its closed parents are opened automatically.


A boolean. Default is false.

If set to true checkboxes will be two-state only, meaning that you will be able to select parent and children independently and there will be no undetermined state.


A boolean. Default is false.

If set to true real hidden checkboxes will be created for each element, so if the tree is part of a form, checked nodes will be submitted automatically. By default the name of the checkbox is "check_" + the ID of the LI element and the value is 1, this can be changed using the real_checkboxes_names config option.


A function. Default is function (n) { return [("check_" + (n[0].id || Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000))), 1]; }.

If real checkboxes are used this function is invoked in the current tree's scope for each new checkbox that is created. It receives a single argument - the node that will contain the checkbox. The function must return an array consisting of two values - the name for the checkbox and the value for the checkbox.


Using the checkbox plugin - all you need to do is include it in the list of active plugins.

1 $(function () {
2     $("#demo1").jstree({

3         "plugins" : [ "themes""html_data""checkbox","sort""ui" ]
4     });
5 });


._prepare_checkboxes ( node )

Inserts the checkbox icons on the node. Used internally.

  • mixednode

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree.

._repair_state ( node )

Repairs the checkbox state inside the node. Used internally.

  • mixednode

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree.

.change_state ( node , uncheck )

Changes the state of a node. Used mostly internally - you'd be better off using the check_node and uncheck_node functions. Triggers an event.

  • mixednode

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree.

  • booleanuncheck

    If set to true the node is unchecked, if set to false the node is checked, otherwise - the state is toggled.

.check_node ( node )

Checks a node.

  • mixednode

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree.

.uncheck_node ( node )

Unchecks a node.

  • mixednode

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree.

.check_all ( )

Checks all nodes.

.uncheck_all ( )

Unchecks all nodes.

.is_checked ( node )

Checks if a node is checked. Returns boolean.

  • mixednode

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree.


.get_checked ( context, get_all ), .get_unchecked ( context, get_all )

Both functions return jQuery collections.

  • mixedcontext

    This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element within the tree. If specified only nodes inside the specified context are returned, otherwise the whole tree is searched.

  • booleanget_all

    By default these functions return only top level checked/unchecked nodes (if a node is checked its children are note returned), if this parameter is set to true they will return all checked/unchecked nodes.


.show_checkboxes ( ), .hide_checkboxes ( )

Show or hide the checkbox icons.


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