




  #include <pthread.h>
  int pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2);//比较两个线程ID
  pthread_t pthread_self(void);  //获取调用线程ID


  int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg);


 1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <errno.h>
5 #include <sys/types.h>
6 #include <pthread.h>
8 pthread_t ntid;
9 void printpthreadinfo(const char* str);
10 void* thread_func(void *arg);
12 int main()
13 {
14 int err;
15 //创建一个新线程
16 err = pthread_create(&ntid,NULL,thread_func,NULL);
17 if(err != 0)
18 {
19 perror("pthread_create()");
20 exit(-1);
21 }
22 printpthreadinfo("main thread: ");
23 sleep(2); //给新线程时间执行
24 return 0;
25 }
26 void printpthreadinfo(const char* str)
27 {
28 pid_t pid;
29 pthread_t tid;
30 pid = getpid();
31 tid = pthread_self();
32 printf("%s pid %u tid %u (0x%x)\n",str,(unsigned int)pid,(unsigned int)tid,(unsigned int)tid);
33 }
34 void* thread_func(void *arg)
35 {
36 printpthreadinfo("new thread: ");
37 return ((void*) 0);
38 }




void pthread_exit(void *retval);   //retval终止状体
int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval); //获取线程终止状态


 1 #include <pthread.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <unistd.h>
5 #include <errno.h>
6 #include <sys/types.h>
8 void* thread_func1(void *arg);
9 void* thread_func2(void *arg);
11 int main()
12 {
13 pthread_t tid1;
14 pthread_t tid2;
15 int err;
16 void *tret;
17 //创建新线程1
18 err = pthread_create(&tid1,NULL,thread_func1,NULL);
19 if(err != 0)
20 {
21 perror("pthread_create() error");
22 exit(-1);
23 }
24 //创建新线程2
25 err = pthread_create(&tid2,NULL,thread_func2,NULL);
26 if(err != 0)
27 {
28 perror("pthread_create() error");
29 exit(-1);
30 }
31 //等待线程1终止
32 err = pthread_join(tid1,&tret);
33 if(err != 0)
34 {
35 perror("pthread_join error");
36 exit(-1);
37 }
38 printf("thread1 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
39 //等待线程2终止
40 err = pthread_join(tid2,&tret);
41 if(err != 0)
42 {
43 perror("pthread_join error");
44 exit(-1);
45 }
46 printf("thread2 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
47 exit(0);
48 }
49 void* thread_func1(void *arg)
50 {
51 printf("thread1 is returning.\n");
52 return ((void*)1);
53 }
54 void* thread_func2(void *arg)
55 {
56 printf("thread2 exiting.\n");
57 pthread_exit((void*)2);
58 }



 1 #include <pthread.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <unistd.h>
5 #include <errno.h>
6 #include <sys/types.h>
8 struct foo
9 {
10 int a;
11 int b;
12 int c;
13 int d;
14 };
15 void printfoo(const char* str,const struct foo *fp);
16 void* thread_func1(void *arg);
17 void* thread_func2(void *arg);
19 int main()
20 {
21 pthread_t tid1;
22 pthread_t tid2;
23 int err;
24 struct foo *pfoo;
25 err = pthread_create(&tid1,NULL,thread_func1,NULL);
26 if(err != 0)
27 {
28 perror("pthread_create() error");
29 exit(-1);
30 }
31 err = pthread_join(tid1,(void*)&pfoo);
32 if(err != 0)
33 {
34 perror("pthread_join error");
35 exit(-1);
36 }
37 sleep(1);
38 printf("Parent starting second thread.\n");
39 err = pthread_create(&tid2,NULL,thread_func2,NULL);
40 if(err != 0)
41 {
42 perror("pthread_create() error");
43 exit(-1);
44 }
45 sleep(1);
46 printfoo("parent: ",pfoo);
47 exit(0);
48 }
49 void printfoo(const char* str,const struct foo *fp)
50 {
51 puts(str);
52 printf(" structure at 0x%x\n",(unsigned int)fp);
53 printf("foo.a = %d\n",fp->a);
54 printf("foo.b = %d\n",fp->b);
55 printf("foo.c = %d\n",fp->c);
56 printf("foo.d = %d\n",fp->d);
57 }
59 void* thread_func1(void *arg)
60 {
61 struct foo f = {1,2,3,4};
62 printfoo("thread1:",&f);
63 pthread_exit((void*)&f);
64 }
65 void* thread_func2(void *arg)
66 {
67 printf("thread2: ID is %u\n",(unsigned int)pthread_self());
68 pthread_exit((void*)2);
69 }



线程调用pthread_cancel函数来请求取消同一进程中的其他线程,并不等待线程终止,只是提出请求而已。函数原型为 int pthread_cancel(pthread_t tid)。函数功能等价于使得tid标识的线程调用pthread_exit(PTHREAD_CANCELED)。


  void pthread_cleanup_push(void (*routine)(void *),void *arg);   //注册清理函数
  void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);  //删除清理程序,若execute=0,清理函数将不被调用




 1 #include <pthread.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <unistd.h>
5 #include <errno.h>
6 #include <sys/types.h>
8 static void cleanup(void *arg); //线程清理函数
9 void* thread_func1(void *arg);
10 void* thread_func2(void *arg);
12 int main()
13 {
14 pthread_t tid1;
15 pthread_t tid2;
16 int err;
17 void *tret;
18 //创建线程1
19 err = pthread_create(&tid1,NULL,thread_func1,(void*)1);
20 if(err != 0)
21 {
22 perror("pthread_create() error");
23 exit(-1);
24 }
25 //创建线程2
26 err = pthread_create(&tid2,NULL,thread_func2,(void*)1);
27 if(err != 0)
28 {
29 perror("pthread_create() error");
30 exit(-1);
31 }
32 //等待线程1结束
33 err = pthread_join(tid1,&tret);
34 if(err != 0)
35 {
36 perror("pthread_join error");
37 exit(-1);
38 }
39 printf("thread 1 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
40 //等待线程2结束
41 err = pthread_join(tid2,&tret);
42 if(err != 0)
43 {
44 perror("pthread_join error");
45 exit(-1);
46 }
47 printf("thread 2 exit code %d\n",(int)tret);
48 exit(0);
49 }
51 static void cleanup(void *arg)
52 {
53 printf("cleanup: %s\n",(char*)arg);
54 }
55 void* thread_func1(void *arg)
56 {
57 printf("Thread 1 start.\n");
58 pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 1 first handler");
59 pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 1 second handler");
60 printf("thread 1 push complete.\n");
61 if(arg)
62 return ((void*)1); //返回终止,将不会调用清理处理程序
63 pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
64 pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
65 return ((void*)1);
66 }
67 void* thread_func2(void *arg)
68 {
69 printf("Thread 2 start.\n");
70 pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 2 first handler");
71 pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup,"thread 2 second handler");
72 printf("thread 2 push complete.\n");
73 if(arg)
74 pthread_exit((void*)2); //会调用清理处理程序
75 pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
76 pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
77 pthread_exit((void*)2);
78 }




进程原语 线程原语 描述
fork pthread_create 创建新的控制流
exit pthread_exit 从现有的控制流中退出
waitpid pthread_join 从控制流中得到退出状态
atexit pthread_cleanup_push 注册在退出控制流时调用的函数
getpid pthread_self 获取控制流的ID
abort pthread_cancel 请求控制流的非正常退出


  当多个控制线程共享相同的内存时,需要确保每个线程看到一致的数据视图。只有多个线程存在同时读写同一变量时,需要对线程进行同步 。线程同步的方法:线程锁(互斥量)、读写锁、条件变量。


 1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <errno.h>
5 #include <sys/types.h>
6 #include <pthread.h>
8 struct foo
9 {
10 int f_count;
11 };
13 struct foo* foo_alloc(void);
14 void foo_add(struct foo *fp);
15 void foo_release(struct foo *fp);
17 void * thread_func1(void *arg);
18 void * thread_func2(void *arg);
19 int main()
20 {
21 pthread_t pid1,pid2;
22 int err;
23 void *pret;
24 struct foo *fobj;
25 fobj = foo_alloc();
26 //创建新线程1,函数地址为thread_fun1,参数为fobj
27 err = pthread_create(&pid1,NULL,thread_func1,(void*)fobj);
28 if(err != 0)
29 {
30 perror("pthread_create() error");
31 exit(-1);
32 }
33 ////创建新线程2,函数地址为thread_fun2,参数为fobj
34 err = pthread_create(&pid2,NULL,thread_func2,(void*)fobj);
35 if(err != 0)
36 {
37 perror("pthread_create() error");
38 exit(-1);
39 }
40 //等待线程退出
41 pthread_join(pid1,&pret);
42 printf("thread 1 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
43 pthread_join(pid2,&pret);
44 printf("thread 2 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
45 exit(0);
46 }
47 //初始化
48 struct foo* foo_alloc(void)
49 {
50 struct foo *fobj;
51 fobj = (struct foo*)malloc(sizeof(struct foo));
52 if(fobj != NULL)
53 fobj->f_count = 0;
54 return fobj;
55 }
56 void foo_add(struct foo *fp)
57 {
58 fp->f_count++;
59 printf("f_count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
60 }
61 void foo_release(struct foo *fp)
62 {
63 fp->f_count--;
64 printf("f_count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
65 }
66 void * thread_func1(void *arg)
67 {
68 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
69 printf("thread 1 start.\n");
70 foo_release(fp); //数目减少1
71 printf("thread 1 exit.\n");
72 pthread_exit((void*)1);
73 }
74 void * thread_func2(void *arg)
75 {
76 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
77 printf("thread 2 start.\n");
78 foo_add(fp); //数目增加1
79 foo_add(fp);
80 printf("thread 2 exit.\n");
81 pthread_exit((void*)2);
82 }





int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,const pthread_mutex_attr_t *mutexattr);
int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);   //对互斥量进行加锁
int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); //尝试对互斥量进行加锁
int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);  //对互斥量进行解锁


 1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <errno.h>
5 #include <sys/types.h>
6 #include <pthread.h>
8 struct foo
9 {
10 int f_count;
11 pthread_mutex_t f_lock; //互斥量
12 };
14 struct foo* foo_alloc(void);
15 void foo_add(struct foo *fp);
16 void foo_release(struct foo *fp);
18 void * thread_func1(void *arg);
19 void * thread_func2(void *arg);
20 int main()
21 {
22 pthread_t pid1,pid2;
23 int err;
24 void *pret;
25 struct foo *fobj;
26 fobj = foo_alloc();
27 err = pthread_create(&pid1,NULL,thread_func1,(void*)fobj);
28 if(err != 0)
29 {
30 perror("pthread_create() error");
31 exit(-1);
32 }
33 err = pthread_create(&pid2,NULL,thread_func2,(void*)fobj);
34 if(err != 0)
35 {
36 perror("pthread_create() error");
37 exit(-1);
38 }
39 pthread_join(pid1,&pret);
40 printf("thread 1 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
41 pthread_join(pid2,&pret);
42 printf("thread 2 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
43 exit(0);
44 }
45 struct foo* foo_alloc(void)
46 {
47 struct foo *fobj;
48 fobj = (struct foo*)malloc(sizeof(struct foo));
49 if(fobj != NULL)
50 {
51 fobj->f_count = 0;
52 //初始化互斥量
53 if (pthread_mutex_init(&fobj->f_lock,NULL) != 0)
54 {
55 free(fobj);
56 return NULL;
57 }
58 }
59 return fobj;
60 }
61 void foo_add(struct foo *fp)
62 {
63 pthread_mutex_lock(&fp->f_lock); //加锁
64 fp->f_count++;
65 printf("f_count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
66 pthread_mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock); //解锁
67 }
68 void foo_release(struct foo *fp)
69 {
70 pthread_mutex_lock(&fp->f_lock); //加锁
71 fp->f_count--;
72 printf("f_count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
73 if(fp->f_count == 0)
74 {
75 pthread_mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock); //解锁
76 pthread_mutex_destroy(&fp->f_lock); //是否锁
77 free(fp);
78 }
79 else
80 pthread_mutex_unlock(&fp->f_lock); //解锁
81 }
82 void * thread_func1(void *arg)
83 {
84 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
85 printf("thread 1 start.\n");
86 foo_release(fp);
87 printf("thread 1 exit.\n");
88 pthread_exit((void*)1);
89 }
90 void * thread_func2(void *arg)
91 {
92 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
93 printf("thread 2 start.\n");
94 foo_add(fp);
95 foo_add(fp);
96 printf("thread 2 exit.\n");
97 pthread_exit((void*)2);
98 }





int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,const pthread_rwlockattr_t *restrict attr);
int pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
int pthread_rwlock_wdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
int pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); 


 1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <errno.h>
5 #include <sys/types.h>
6 #include <pthread.h>
7 struct foo
8 {
9 int f_count;
10 pthread_rwlock_t f_rwlock;
11 };
12 struct foo * foo_alloc()
13 {
14 struct foo* fp;
15 fp = (struct foo*)malloc(sizeof(struct foo));
16 if(fp != NULL)
17 {
18 fp->f_count = 0;
19 pthread_rwlock_init(&fp->f_rwlock,NULL);
20 }
21 return fp;
22 }
23 void foo_add(struct foo *fp)
24 {
25 pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
26 fp->f_count++;
27 pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
28 }
29 void foo_release(struct foo *fp)
30 {
31 pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
32 fp->f_count--;
33 if(fp->f_count == 0)
34 {
35 pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
36 pthread_rwlock_destroy(&fp->f_rwlock);
37 free(fp);
38 }
39 pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
40 }
41 int foo_search(struct foo *fp)
42 {
43 int count;
44 pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
45 count = fp->f_count;
46 pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fp->f_rwlock);
47 return count;
48 }
49 void * thread_func1(void *arg)
50 {
51 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
52 printf("thread 1 start.\n");
53 foo_search(fp);
54 printf("in thread 1 search count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
55 printf("thread 1 exit.\n");
56 pthread_exit((void*)1);
57 }
58 void * thread_func2(void *arg)
59 {
60 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
61 printf("thread 2 start.\n");
62 foo_add(fp);
63 printf("in thread 2 add count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
64 printf("thread 2 exit.\n");
65 pthread_exit((void*)2);
66 }
67 void * thread_func3(void *arg)
68 {
69 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
70 printf("thread 3 start.\n");
71 foo_add(fp);
72 printf("in thread 3 add count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
73 foo_search(fp);
74 printf("in thread 3 search count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
75 printf("thread 3 exit.\n");
76 pthread_exit((void*)3);
77 }
79 int main()
80 {
81 pthread_t pid1,pid2,pid3;
82 int err;
83 void *pret;
84 struct foo *fobj;
85 fobj = foo_alloc();
86 pthread_create(&pid1,NULL,thread_func1,(void*)fobj);
87 pthread_create(&pid2,NULL,thread_func2,(void*)fobj);
88 pthread_create(&pid3,NULL,thread_func3,(void*)fobj);
89 pthread_join(pid1,&pret);
90 printf("thread 1 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
91 pthread_join(pid2,&pret);
92 printf("thread 2 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
93 pthread_join(pid3,&pret);
94 printf("thread 3 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
95 exit(0);
96 }




int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond,const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr);
int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond);
int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond,pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex);
pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond,pthread_mutex_t
*restrict mutex,const structtimespec *restrict abstime);
int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond);  //唤醒等待该条件的所有线程
int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond); //唤醒等待该条件的某个线程


 1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <errno.h>
5 #include <sys/types.h>
6 #include <pthread.h>
8 struct foo
9 {
10 int f_count;
11 pthread_mutex_t f_mutex;
12 pthread_cond_t f_cond;
13 };
15 struct foo * foo_alloc()
16 {
17 struct foo* fp;
18 fp = (struct foo*)malloc(sizeof(struct foo));
19 if(fp != NULL)
20 {
21 fp->f_count = 0;
22 pthread_mutex_init(&fp->f_mutex,NULL);
23 pthread_cond_init(&fp->f_cond,NULL);
24 }
25 return fp;
26 }
27 void foo_increase(struct foo *fp)
28 {
29 pthread_mutex_lock(&fp->f_mutex);
30 if(fp->f_count== 0) //发送信号,通知可以做decrease操作
31 pthread_cond_signal(&fp->f_cond);
32 fp->f_count++;
33 pthread_mutex_unlock(&fp->f_mutex);
34 }
35 void foo_decrease(struct foo *fp)
36 {
37 pthread_mutex_lock(&fp->f_mutex);
38 while(fp->f_count == 0) //判断是否可以做decrease操作
39 pthread_cond_wait( &fp->f_cond, &fp->f_mutex);//等待信号
40 fp->f_count--;
41 pthread_mutex_unlock(&fp->f_mutex);
42 }
43 void * thread_func1(void *arg)
44 {
45 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
46 printf("thread 1 start.\n");
47 foo_increase(fp);
48 printf("in thread 1 count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
49 printf("thread 1 exit.\n");
50 pthread_exit((void*)1);
51 }
52 void * thread_func2(void *arg)
53 {
54 struct foo *fp = (struct foo*)arg;
55 printf("thread 2 start.\n");
56 foo_decrease(fp);
57 printf("in thread 2 count = %d\n",fp->f_count);
58 printf("thread 2 exit.\n");
59 pthread_exit((void*)2);
60 }
62 int main()
63 {
64 pthread_t pid1,pid2,pid3;
65 int err;
66 void *pret;
67 struct foo *fobj;
68 fobj = foo_alloc();
69 pthread_create(&pid1,NULL,thread_func1,(void*)fobj);
70 pthread_create(&pid2,NULL,thread_func2,(void*)fobj);
71 pthread_join(pid1,&pret);
72 printf("thread 1 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
73 pthread_join(pid2,&pret);
74 printf("thread 2 exit code is: %d\n",(int)pret);
75 exit(0);
76 }



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