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Shop Smart [smɑːt]  Employee of the Month:

Sara['særə] (萨拉) Lopez(洛佩斯)

Congratulations, Sara Lopez-Employee of the Month!

Sara is a salesperson. She sells clothes. Sara's whole(这里的w和e未发音)

family works here at  Shop Smart. Her father is a custodian, and her

mother is a receptionist. Her Uncle Eduardo(爱德华多) is a waiter.He serves [sɝvz] food.

Her sister , Lucy,is a cashier. She counts money. Her brother, Leo, fixes cars.He's

a mechanic. Everybody in the store knows the Lopez family!

Write the job and the job duty.  写出工作和工作职责

Leo Lopez is a mechanic,He fixes cars

Lucy Lopez is a cashier, She counts money

Eduardo Lopez is a waiter, He serves food

Sara Lopez is a salesperson , She sales clothes


bus driver  公交司机            drive 驾车        School Bus 校车


painter   油漆工;画家

plumber(b不发音) 水管工

teacher's aide  教师助理      assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt] n. 助手,助理,助教

truck driver  卡车司机


What does he do?

He's a teacher's aide.


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