
common substring of a collection of strings is a substring of every member of the collection. We say that a common substring is a longest common substring if there does not exist a longer common substring. For example, "CG" is a common substring of "ACGTACGT" and "AACCGTATA", but it is not as long as possible; in this case, "CGTA" is a longest common substring of "ACGTACGT" and "AACCGTATA".

Note that the longest common substring is not necessarily unique; for a simple example, "AA" and "CC" are both longest common substrings of "AACC" and "CCAA".

Given: A collection of kk (k≤100k≤100) DNA strings of length at most 1 kbp each in FASTA format.

Return: A longest common substring of the collection. (If multiple solutions exist, you may return any single solution.)

Sample Dataset


Sample Output


# 方法一
# coding=utf-8
''' def readfasta(filename, sample):
fa = open(filename, 'r')
fo = open(sample, 'w')
res = {}
rres = []
ID = ''
for line in fa:
if line.startswith('>'):
ID = line.strip('\n')
res[ID] = ''
res[ID] += line.strip('\n') for key in res.values():
fo.write(key + '\n')
return rres def fragement(seq_list):
res = []
seq = seq_list[0]
for i in range(len(seq)):
s_seq = seq[i:]
#print s_seq
for j in range(len(s_seq)):
res.append(s_seq[:(len(s_seq) - j)])
#print res return res def main(infile, sample):
seq_list = readfasta(infile, sample) #['TAGACCA','ATACA','GATTACA']
frags = fragement(seq_list)
frags.sort(key=len, reverse=True) # 从长到短排列
for i in range(len(frags)):
ans = []
# s = 0
# m+=1
# print(m)
# res[frags[i]] = 0
for j in seq_list:
r = j.count(frags[i])
if r != 0:
if len(ans) >= len(seq_list):
break main('14.txt', 'sample.txt')


# coding=utf-8
A solution to a ROSALIND bioinformatics problem.
Problem Title: Finding a Shared Motif
Rosalind ID: LCSM
Rosalind #: 014
URL: [url][/url]
''' def LongestSubstring(string_list):
'''Extracts all substrings from the first string in a list, and sends longest substring candidates to be checked.'''
longest = ''
for start_index in range(len(string_list[0])):
for end_index in range(len(string_list[0]), start_index, -1):
# Break if the length becomes too small, as it will only get smaller.
if end_index - start_index <= len(longest):
elif CheckSubstring(string_list[0][start_index:end_index], string_list):
longest = string_list[0][start_index:end_index] return longest def CheckSubstring(find_string, string_list):
'Checks if a given substring appears in all members of a given collection of strings and returns True/False.'
for string in string_list:
if (len(string) < len(find_string)) or (find_string not in string):
return False
return True seq = {}
seq_name = ''
with open('14.txt') as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>':
seq_name = line.rstrip()
seq[seq_name] = ''
seq[seq_name] += (line.rstrip()).upper() print(seq) if __name__ == '__main__':
dna = []
for seq_name in seq:
dna.append(seq[seq_name]) lcsm = LongestSubstring(dna)
with open('014_LCSM.txt', 'w') as output_data:



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