Xcode7.3 beta 新功能html, body {overflow-x: initial !important;}html { font-size: 14px; }
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Xcode7.3 beta 新功能

Static Analyser 静态分析增强

• The static analyzer warns when nil is returned from a method or function with a nonnull return

type or is passed to a parameter marked nonnull. (19003620) 返回值是否为空检测

• The static analyzer checks for common misuses of Objective-C generics. (21412472) OC 泛型检测

• The static analyzer checks for missing localizability. This check is off by default and can be

enabled by selecting ‘Yes’ for ‘Missing localizability’ in the 'Static Analyzer - Generic Issues’ build

settings. (23414217) 本地化缺失检查(默认关闭)

Code Completion 代码补全

• Code completion provides better matches with fewer keystrokes and makes it easier to find

what you’re looking for. You can type just the uppercase letters of a method name. Typing

"myDelegate.tveh”, where myDelegate is a UITableViewDelegate, gives tableView(_

tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath

indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat as the first completion. You’ll also get

completions that better match your intent, so typing “myView.color”, where myView is a UIView,

gives every property containing the “color” substring, like “tintColor” and “backgroundColor”.

(22429862) (难道不用安装插件了?代码提示功能增强.)

Debugging 调试


• Constraint badges in the View Debugger present values as ratios for better readability when

applicable. (22535224)

• The View Debugger inspector shows referenced views, attributes and values for a selected

constraint. (22266966)

• The View Debugger shows NSWindow size information in the inspector. (18284986)

• The View Debugger has additional options for the assistant editor. The implementation file of

data sources, delegates, and the target of controls can be viewed side by side with the 3D

canvas of your app’s views. (15777861)

• When inspecting a view in the debugger, objects with properties whose values represent

classes such as Target, Delegate, and Data Source will show a navigational arrow in the

inspector. Click this to open the implementation file of that class. As usual in Xcode, holding

Option while clicking will perform the requested navigation in the assistant editor, instead of

replacing the View Debugger canvas. (15884626)

• 3D rotation behavior in the View Debugger is improved. (18313502)

• A contextual menu for items selected in the Views mode of the Debug Navigator and the

Canvas allows you to print the description of an object; focus on a view’s subtree; view

constraints on an object; and hide views obscuring or obscured by the selected view.


• The Views mode of the Debug Navigator allows you to filter the view’s address, label, title, and

superclass. (23095363)



  1. Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree
  2. C基础--结构体成员初始化方式
  3. (六)6.11 Neurons Networks implements of self-taught learning
  4. web app 页面旋转整体样式问题
  5. String对象中常用的方法
  6. c++ primer复习(五):类
  7. 网络分析shell脚本(实时流量+连接统计)
  8. [Swust OJ 582]--放学了,抢机子了(SPFA)
  9. Android调整TimePicker和DatePicker大小
  11. 【网络爬虫入门04】彻底掌握BeautifulSoup的CSS选择器
  12. Django之路由分发系统
  13. 【NOIP2009】【CJOJ1687】【洛谷1074】靶形数独
  14. Android视频直播:流媒体服务器搭建
  15. heartbeat单独提供高可用服务
  16. flask完成文件上传功能
  17. 使用Ratpack与Spring Boot构建高性能JVM微服务
  18. Linux启动过程简述
  19. Vue 系列之 样式相关
  20. php请求php


  1. MySQL Sleep进程
  2. background-size ie8不支持怎么解决
  3. C/C++语言中闭包的探究及比较
  4. [转]Github 简明教程
  5. 用 Fiddler 来弥补 Chrome Network 的小缺点
  6. mark CodeGenerator
  7. python执行selenium报错
  8. python3 如何给装饰器传递参数
  9. TCP/IP 三次握手,温故知新
  10. C#整数三种强制类型转换int、Convert.ToInt32()、int.Parse()、string到object 的区别