SMRT Link is the web-based end-to-end workflow manager for the Sequel™ System. It includes software applications for setting up samples, designing and monitoring sequencing runs, and analyzing and managing sequence data. Additionally, SMRT Link provides support for multiple instruments.

SMRT Link is the primary access point for applications used by researchers, laboratory technicians, instrument operators, and bioinformaticians for various interactions with applications related to the Sequel platform. The applications include:

  • Sample Setup: Calculate binding and annealing reactions for preparing DNA samples.
  • Run Design: Design runs, which become available on the Sequel System.
  • Run QC: Monitor run progress, status and quality metrics from any desktop or remote computer.
  • Data Management: Create Projects and Data Sets; manage access permissions for Projects and users; generate QC reports for Data Sets.
  • SMRT Analysis: Perform secondary analysis of sequencing data generated by the PacBio® RS II or Sequel Systems.


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