
accumtraits.hpp // 累加算法模板的trait

// 累加算法模板的trait
#define ACCUMTRAITS_HPP template <typename T>
class AccumulationTraits; // 只有声明 template <>
class AccumulationTraits<char> // 把具体类型char映射到int,累加后就返回int
typedef int AccT; // 统一的类型别名,表示返回类型
static AccT zero() // 关联一个缺省值,是累加时的初始缺省值
return ;
}; template <>
class AccumulationTraits<short> // 把具体类型short映射到累加后的返回类型int
typedef int AccT;
static AccT zero() // 没有直接在类内部定义static变量并提供缺省值,而是使用了函数
{ // 因为类内部只能对整型和枚举类型的static变量进行初始化 // 其他类型的必须类内部声明,在外部进行初始化
return ;
}; template <>
class AccumulationTraits<int>
typedef long AccT;
static AccT zero()
return ;
}; template <>
class AccumulationTraits<unsigned int>
typedef unsigned long AccT;
static AccT zero()
return ;
}; template <>
class AccumulationTraits<float>
typedef double AccT;
static AccT zero()
return ;
}; #endif // !ACCUMTRAITS_HPP

policies.hpp // 累加算法模板的policy

// 累加算法模板的policy
#define POLICIES_HPP template <typename T1, typename T2>
class SumPolicy // 累加的策略
static void accumulate(T1 & total, T2 const & value)
total += value; // 累加
}; template <typename T1, typename T2>
class MultPolicy // 累乘的策略
static void accumulate(T1 & total, T2 const & value)
total *= value; // 累乘
}; #endif // !POLICIES_HPP

accum.hpp // 累加算法模板:实现为类模板,用模板参数来传递policy和trait

// 累加算法模板:实现为类模板,用模板参数来传递policy和trait
// 可用一个内联函数模板作为包装器来包装这个类模板实现
#ifndef ACCUM_HPP
#define ACCUM_HPP #include "accumtraits.hpp"
#include "policies.hpp"
#include <iostream> template < typename T, // 这里使用 typename 和 class 没有区别
const int INITVAL = , // INITVAL 是一个 无类型模板参数
template <typename, typename> class Policy = SumPolicy, // 这里的必须使用class不能是typename, 因为 Policy 是类类型, 默认采用SumPolicy策略
typename Traits = AccumulationTraits<T> > // 模板参数Traits代表要使用的trait
class Accum
// AccumulationTraits 是一个 standard traits class (标准特性类)
// AccT 嵌套在 AccumulationTraits<T> 内部类型, 而且 T 是一个模版参数
// AccT 是一个 nested dependent type name (嵌套依赖类型名), 必须被 typename 前置
static typename Traits::AccT accum(T const * beg, T const * end)
// total 是一个与 AccT 类型所指向的类型相同的局部变量
// zero() 嵌套在 AccumulationTraits<T> 内部函数, 而且 T 是一个模版参数
//typename Traits::AccT total = Traits::zero(); // 获取缺省值, 返回 0 // 存在问题: 当策略为 MultPolicy 会造成结果始终为 0
typename Traits::AccT total = INITVAL; // 把初始值当作【无类型模板参数】传递进来
while (beg != end) // 作累积运算
Policy<Traits::AccT, T>::accumulate(total, *beg); // 使用给定的算法策略来进行累积
return total; // 返回累积起来的值
}; //// 用内联的函数模板来包装, 对默认的参数,提供对应的重载函数
template <typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy, typename Traits>
inline typename Traits::AccT accum(T const * beg, T const * end)
std::cout << "<typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy, typename Traits> \n\t---> <T, INITVAL, Policy, Traits>" << std::endl; // 标记使用
return Accum<T, INITVAL, Policy, Traits>::accum(beg, end);
} template <typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy>
inline typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT accum(T const * beg, T const * end)
std::cout << "<typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy> \n\t---> <T, INITVAL, Policy, AccumulationTraits<T>>" << std::endl; // 标记使用
return Accum<T, INITVAL, Policy, AccumulationTraits<T>>::accum(beg, end);
} template <typename T, const int INITVAL>
inline typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT accum(T const * beg, T const * end)
std::cout << "<typename T, const int INITVAL> \n\t---> <T, INITVAL, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>" << std::endl; // 标记使用
return Accum<T, INITVAL, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>::accum(beg, end);
} template <typename T>
inline typename AccumulationTraits<T>::AccT accum(T const * beg, T const * end)
std::cout << "<typename T> \n\t---> <T, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>" << std::endl; // 标记使用
return Accum<T, , MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>::accum(beg, end);
} template <>
inline typename AccumulationTraits<int>::AccT accum(int const * beg, int const * end)
std::cout << "<> \n\t---> <int, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<int>>" << std::endl; // 标记使用
return Accum<int, , MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<int>>::accum(beg, end);
} #endif // !ACCUM_HPP

mytest.cpp // 使用累加算法的客户端测试代码

// 使用累加算法的客户端测试代码
#include "accum.hpp"
#include <iostream> int main()
int num[] = {,,,,}; // 整型数组
std::cout << "============= integer array =============" << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the integer values is "
<< accum<int, , MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<int>>(&num[], &num[]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the integer values is "
<< accum<int, , MultPolicy>(&num[], &num[]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the integer values is "
<< accum<int, >(&num[], &num[]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the integer values is "
<< accum<int>(&num[], &num[]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the integer values is "
<< accum<>(&num[], &num[]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the integer values is "
<< accum(&num[], &num[]) << std::endl; char name[] = "templates"; // 创建字符值数组
int length = sizeof(name)-;
std::cout << "============= characters array =============" << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the characters in \""
<< name << "\" is " << accum<char, , SumPolicy, AccumulationTraits<char>>(&name[], &name[length]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the characters in \""
<< name << "\" is " << accum<char, , SumPolicy>(&name[], &name[length]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the characters in \""
<< name << "\" is " << accum<char, >(&name[], &name[length]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the characters in \""
<< name << "\" is " << accum<char>(&name[], &name[length]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the characters in \""
<< name << "\" is " << accum<>(&name[], &name[length]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "the total value of the characters in \""
<< name << "\" is " << accum(&name[], &name[length]) << std::endl; system("pause");
return ;


============= integer array =============
<typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy, typename Traits>
---> <T, INITVAL, Policy, Traits>
the total value of the integer values is 120
<typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy>
---> <T, INITVAL, Policy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the integer values is 120
<typename T, const int INITVAL>
---> <T, INITVAL, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the integer values is 120
---> <int, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<int>>
the total value of the integer values is 120
---> <int, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<int>>
the total value of the integer values is 120
---> <int, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<int>>
the total value of the integer values is 120
============= characters array =============
<typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy, typename Traits>
---> <T, INITVAL, Policy, Traits>
the total value of the characters in "templates" is 975
<typename T, const int INITVAL, template <typename, typename> class Policy>
---> <T, INITVAL, Policy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the characters in "templates" is 975
<typename T, const int INITVAL>
---> <T, INITVAL, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the characters in "templates" is 0
<typename T>
---> <T, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the characters in "templates" is 465857536
<typename T>
---> <T, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the characters in "templates" is 465857536
<typename T>
---> <T, 1, MultPolicy, AccumulationTraits<T>>
the total value of the characters in "templates" is 465857536
请按任意键继续. . .


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