SharePoint PowerShell在SharePoint Product列表里边,然后以管理员权限启动。

1. 添加Solution 到 SharePoint Farm.

Add-SPSolution  D:\Sp2010\DeploySolution\MySharepointProject.wsp  (farm)
Add-SPUserSolution -LiteralPath "c:\ilt.wsp" (sandbox)

2.获取已添加到SharePoint Farm的Solutions.


3. 部署Solution 到SharePoint。

部署Solution到SharePoint Farm中:

Install-SPSolution –Identity MySharepointProject.wsp –WebApplication http://myserver-sp1:2010/  -GACDeployment
Install-SPSolution -Identity ilt.wsp -GACDeployment
 如果部署的是 Sandboxed solution,则使用Install-SPUserSolution命令。

    –GACDeployment 参数也可换成–CASPolicies,二者区别是
          GACDeployment指定可以为新 SharePoint 解决方案部署全局程序集缓存 (GAC)。。
           CASPolicies指定可以为新 SharePoint 解决方案部署代码访问安全 (CAS) 策略。
     - WebApplication参数也可换成- AllWebApplications,二者区别是:
         WebApplication: 为指定 SharePoint Web 应用程序部署 SharePoint 解决方案。该类型必须是格式为 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh 的有效 GUID;

SharePoint Web 应用程序的有效名称(例如,MyOfficeApp1);或有效 SPWebApplication 对象的实例。

AllWebApplications: 指定为服务器场中的所有 SharePoint Web 应用程序部署新的 SharePoint 解决方案。


 possible errors:
Error Solution
Install-SPSolution : Admin SVC must be running in order to create deployment timer job. Open services.msc and start the service named SharePoint 2010 Administration.

Install-SPSolution : A deployment or retraction is already under way for the solution "webpartmanualdeployment.wsp", and only one deployment or retraction at a time is supported.

Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions > Cancel / Retract the particular solution


Install-SPSolution -Identity ilt.wsp -WebApplication http://sea:31996 -GACDeployment

我们也可使用–AllWebApplications参数来一次性从此Sharepoint Farm中的所有部署此Solution的Web Application中回收Solution.

执行此命令时,系统会提示: . “Are you sure?” ,你只需要确定即可执行操作。 

插曲, 当部署到指定Web Application 遇到错误的时候, 要建一个Dummy data, 制定DeploymentTarget 为 WebApplication: 参考:


  1. Double click the package
  2. Open the Advanced
  3. add an additional assembly (the solution for example) and mark Deployment Type "Web Application"

4. 升级已部署的Solution

Update-SPSolution -Identity ilt.wsp -LiteralPath "C:\ilt.wsp" -GACDeployment


Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity ilt.wsp

Web Application 级别的:

Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity ilt.wsp -WebApplication http://sea:31996


Remove-SPSolution -identity ilt.wsp

Possilble Errors:

Remove-SPSolution: The solution cannot be removed when a job is scheduled or running.


使用Stsadm -o enumdeployments 获取JobId,:

然后使用 stsadm -o canceldeployment -id JobId 来取消部署工作。

stsadm -o canceldeployment -id 2529c788-971c-46a3-b69f-a2a0a1fcc851      
Add-SPSolution C:\Users\akmii\Documents\Akmii.WuXiAppTec.Common.wsp

//deploy wsp 包

Install-SPSolution -Identity Akmii.WuXiAppTec.Common.wsp -GACDeployment –Force


Update-SPSolution -Identity Akmii.BMS.China.IHM.wsp -LiteralPath C:\WSP\Wsp-Xian\Akmii.BMS.China.IHM.wsp -GACDeployment -force

stsadm -o deletesolution -name -override

Uninstall-SPSolution –Identity MySharepointProject.wsp –WebApplication

Remove-SPSolution –Identity MySharepointProject.wsp -Force

stsadm -o deploysolution -name Akmii.Museum.Web.wsp -immediate -allowGacDeployment -force

Backup-SPSite http://server_name/sites/site_name -Path C:\Backup\site_name.bak   (注意:c盘Backup路径必须存在 )
Restore-SPSite http://server_name/sites/site_name -Path C:\Backup\site_name.bak   -Force (注意:站点集可以是新的站点也可以是原有的网站 )


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