
Bob is a lackadaisical teenager. In conversation, his responses are very limited.
Bob answers 'Sure.' if you ask him a question.
He answers 'Whoa, chill out!' if you yell at him.
He says 'Fine. Be that way!' if you address him without actually saying anything.
He answers 'Whatever.' to anything else.

C# Test

 // This file was auto-generated based on version 1.0.0 of the canonical data.

 using Xunit;

 public class BobTest
public void Stating_something()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to."));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Shouting()
Assert.Equal("Whoa, chill out!", Bob.Response("WATCH OUT!"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Shouting_gibberish()
Assert.Equal("Whoa, chill out!", Bob.Response("FCECDFCAAB"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Asking_a_question()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response("Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Asking_a_numeric_question()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response("You are, what, like 15?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Asking_gibberish()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response("fffbbcbeab?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Talking_forcefully()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("Let's go make out behind the gym!"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Using_acronyms_in_regular_speech()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("It's OK if you don't want to go to the DMV."));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Forceful_question()
Assert.Equal("Whoa, chill out!", Bob.Response("WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Shouting_numbers()
Assert.Equal("Whoa, chill out!", Bob.Response("1, 2, 3 GO!"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Only_numbers()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("1, 2, 3"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Question_with_only_numbers()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response("4?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Shouting_with_special_characters()
Assert.Equal("Whoa, chill out!", Bob.Response("ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Shouting_with_no_exclamation_mark()
Assert.Equal("Whoa, chill out!", Bob.Response("I HATE YOU"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Statement_containing_question_mark()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("Ending with ? means a question."));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Non_letters_with_question()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response(":) ?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Prattling_on()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response("Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Silence()
Assert.Equal("Fine. Be that way!", Bob.Response(""));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Prolonged_silence()
Assert.Equal("Fine. Be that way!", Bob.Response(" "));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Alternate_silence()
Assert.Equal("Fine. Be that way!", Bob.Response("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Multiple_line_question()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("\nDoes this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?\nno"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Starting_with_whitespace()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response(" hmmmmmmm..."));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Ending_with_whitespace()
Assert.Equal("Sure.", Bob.Response("Okay if like my spacebar quite a bit? "));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Other_whitespace()
Assert.Equal("Fine. Be that way!", Bob.Response("\n\r \t"));
} [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Non_question_ending_with_whitespace()
Assert.Equal("Whatever.", Bob.Response("This is a statement ending with whitespace "));

C# Solution

 using System;

question: last character is '?'
answer: "Sure." yell: all characters are uppercase
answer: "Whoa, chill out!" silence: empty
answer: "Fine. Be that way!" default
answer: "Whatever" */
public static class Bob
public static string Response(string statement)
if (statement.Trim().EndsWith('?'))
return "Sure.";
if (statement.ToUpper() == statement)
return "Whoa, chill out!";
if (statement.Trim() == "")
return "Fine. Be that way!";
return "Whatever."; }


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