Python While 循环语句

Python 编程中 while 语句用于循环执行程序,即在某条件下,循环执行某段程序,以处理需要重复处理的相同任务。其基本形式为:

while 判断条件:




while 语句时还有另外两个重要的命令 continue,break 来跳过循环,continue 用于跳过该次循环,break 则是用于退出循环,此外"判断条件"还可以是个常值,表示循环必定成立,具体用法如下:

@Date : 2017.07,25
@Funtion: while循环的练习:
如果用户输入非‘N’的字符串,继续循环,并再次要求用户输入一个停下来的数字,继续。 ''' print_num = input('Please input the count :')
count = 0
while count < 1000:
if count == print_num:
print "There you got the number:", count
choice = raw_input('Do you want to continue to loop?(y/n):')
if choice == 'n':
print_num = input('Please re-input the count:') if print_num < count:
print 'your num is passed, please re-input:'
print_num = input('Please input the count :')
continue else:
print 'loop:', count count +=1

C:\Python27\python.exe C:/Work/python/
Please input the count :5
loop: 0
loop: 1
loop: 2
loop: 3
loop: 4
There you got the number: 5
Do you want to continue to loop?(y/n):y
Please re-input the count:8
loop: 5
loop: 6
loop: 7
There you got the number: 8
Do you want to continue to loop?(y/n):y
Please re-input the count:4
your num is passed, please re-input:
Please input the count :16
loop: 8
loop: 9
loop: 10
loop: 11
loop: 12
loop: 13
loop: 14
loop: 15
There you got the number: 16
Do you want to continue to loop?(y/n):


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