
(miki西游 @mikixiyou 文档,原文链接: http://mikixiyou.iteye.com/blog/1560754 )

1 、备份数据库操作命令


backup database plus archivelog format '/backup/rman/xx_%U.%T';


run {

allocate channel t1 type disk;

backup database format '/backup/rman/xx_%U.%T';

backup archivelog all delete input format '/backup/rman/xx_%U.%T';

sql 'alter system archive log current';

backup current controlfile format '/backup/rman/xx_%U.%T';

release channel t1;





delete noprompt obsolete;

allocate channel ch01 type disk rate 40M;

backup database filesperset 3 format '/backup/servdb_rman/db_%U.%T';

sql 'alter system archive log current';

backup archivelog like '+%' filesperset 20 format '/backup/servdb_rman/archivelog_%U.%T';

delete noprompt archivelog until time 'sysdate -1';

backup current controlfile format '/backup/servdb_rman/ctl_%U.%T' ;

release channel ch01;


2 、归档日志单独备份操作命令


run {

allocate channel t1 type disk;

backup archivelog all format '/backup/servdb_rman/archivelog_%U.%T';

release channel t1;



run {

allocate channel t1 type disk;

backup archivelog all delete input format '/backup/servdb_rman/archivelog_%U.%T';

release channel t1;



run {

allocate channel t1 type disk;

backup archivelog all not backed up 1 times format '/backup/servdb_rman/archivelog_%U.%T';

release channel t1;


3 、还原和恢复数据库操作命令


startup nomount;

run {

allocate channel  t1 type disk;

restore controlfile;

restore archivelog all;

alter database mount;

restore database;

recover database;

release channel t1;


sql 'alter database open resetlogs';


startup nomount;

run {

set until time ="to_date('2012-06-14 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')";

allocate channel  t1 type disk;

restore controlfile;

restore archivelog all;

alter database mount;

restore database;

recover database;

release channel t1;


sql 'alter database open resetlogs';

RAC 环境中还原某几个归档日志文件



allocate channel t1 type disk;

restore archivelog from logseq  5023 thread 1 until logseq  5036 thread 1;

releaase channel t1;





allocate channel t1 type disk;

restore archivelog from logseq  5023 until logseq  5036;

releaase channel t1;


4 、注册备份集到 CATALOG 操作命令

catalog start with '/backup/xxx.xxx';

5 、其他管理命令

list backupset;

list backup of database;

list backup of archivelog all;

report obsolete;

report obsolete redundancy = 2;

delete obsolete;

restore database validate;

report unrecoverable;

report schema;

crosscheck backup;

delete expired backup;

rman target sys/*****@ora10 catalog rman/rman@dbarep

allocate channel for maintenance device type disk;

delete obsolete redundancy = 4 device type disk;

delete obsolete redundancy = 2 device type disk;

delete noprompt archivelog until time "sysdate-5"


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