I hope you don'd mind me asking...

  I know I shouldn't ask, but....

  - Well, before I answer that question you tell me ....

  - I am sorry, I really don't want to answer that.

  - Ummm, that's really personal. I am not going to answer that.

  - Why do you need to know that????

  - Why don't I just give you my diary?

  - My lips are sealed.

gossip: dish some dirt / chew the fat

Someone wants to share the gossip with you.

  OMG! Do you know what Jeff looked like yesterday?

  1. change it up

    - No, i didn't. Anyway, ....

  2. shut it down

    - I don't really feel like talking about someone behind their back.

    - I feel bad talking about someone when they are not here.

    - You know, I'm not really into gossip. Do you like to talk about something else?

 How to Give Bad News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzWf4I5cbdk

  1. Be prepared (practicing)

  2. Be Direct & Assertive (Cut to the chase)

    - I am so sorry to have to tell you this, but....

    - I'm afraid we won't be able to...

  3. Give time

    - I know this was a shock. i'll give you some moment to think about it.

  4. Give the background details.

    - Unfortunatelly, there were some problems with....

  5. Be caring

    - I can appreciate your feelings. I know that this isn't what you hoped for.

  6. Be supportive

    - Would you like to talk about some alternatives?

  7. Don't take it personally


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