

Name:Gradient descent backpropagation (梯度下降反向传播算法 )

Description:triangd is a network training function that updates weight and bias values  according to gradient descent.


Name:Gradient descent  with adaptive learning rate backpropagation(自适应学习率的t梯度下降反向传播算法)  

Description:triangd is a network training function that updates weight and bias values  according to gradient descent with adaptive learning rate. it will return a trained net (net) and  the trianing record (tr).

3、traingdx (newelm函数默认的训练函数)

name:Gradient descent with momentum and adaptive learning rate backpropagation(带动量的梯度下降的自适应学习率的反向传播算法)

Description:triangdx is a network training function that updates weight and bias values  according to gradient descent momentum and an adaptive learning rate.it will return a trained net (net) and  the trianing record (tr).


Name:Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation (L-M反向传播算法)

Description:triangd is a network training function that updates weight and bias values  according toLevenberg-Marquardt optimization. it will return a trained  net (net) and  the trianing record (tr).




Name:Gradient descent weight and bias learning function (梯度下降的权值和阈值学习函数)

Description:learngd is the gradient descent weight and bias learning function, it will return the weight change dW and a new learning state.


Name:Gradient descent with momentum weight and bias learning function (带动量的梯度下降的权值和阈值学习函数)

Description:learngd is the gradient descent  with momentum weight and bias learning function, it will return the weight change dW and a new learning state.



或者这么说:训练函数是全局调整权值和阈值,考虑的是整体误差的最小。学习函数是局部调整权值和阈值,考虑的是单个神经元误差的最小[1]。 参考链接:【1】 https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1883990061249711708.html?fr=iks&word=matlab%D6%D0traingdx%BA%CDlearngdm%B5%C4%C7%F8%B1%F0&ie=gbk


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