
Code Check

  • 本仓介绍的内容涉及代码静态检查和编码风格检查
  • 但主要放在编码风格检查,lint是基于google编码风格检查cpplint的修改版,起别名也是为了区别
  • lint较于cpplint优势如下:
    • lint支持自定义编码风格检查(通过配置文件),而非cpplint特定于google风格
    • lint支持生成结果文件通过cppcheck上位机查看和跳转


|————doc (说明文档及过程文件)
|————exe (打包好的可执行程序)
|————git_hook (嵌入git的钩子文件)
|————.scripts (特殊用法的脚本)
| (cpplint修改版)









./lint.exe --help

Syntax: lint  [--verbose=#] [--output=vs7] [--filter=-x,+y,...]
[--counting=total|toplevel|detailed] [--root=subdir]
[--linelength=digits] [--headers=x,y,...]
<file> [file] ... Option: output=vs7
output is formate: 'emacs', 'vs7', 'eclipse' verbose=#
output level: 0-5, message less than [verbose] will not be printed quiet
Don't print anything if no errors are found filter=-x,+y,...
To see a list of all the categories used in cpplint, pass no arg: --filter=
Examples: --filter=-whitespace,+whitespace/braces
--filter=-,+build/include_what_you_use counting=total
Error statistics style. The total number of errors found is always printed
total => Total errors found:
toplevel => Category 'whitespace' errors found:
detailed => Category 'whitespace/parens' errors found: root=subdir
The root directory used for deriving header guard CPP variable.
code directory: src/chrome/browser/ui/browser/
--root=chrome => BROWSER_UI_BROWSER_H_
--root=chrome/browser => UI_BROWSER_H_
--root=.. => SRC_CHROME_BROWSER_UI_BROWSER_H_ linelength=digits
Code line length, default: 120 characters. extensions=extension,extension,...
The allowed file extensions that cpplint will check
--extensions=hpp,cpp headers=x,y,...
--headers=hpp help
Displays short usage information and exits. useage
Displays detaile usage information and exits. generate
Generate lint config file 'LINT.cfg' and exits about
Displays version information and exits.


  1. 生成自定义编码风格配置文件LINT.cfg
$ ./lint.exe --generate
The LINT.cfg configuration file is generated successfully.
  1. 配置文件说明
# Copyright (c) 2022 All rights reserved.

# Stop searching for additional config files.
set noparent # Specifies the line of code for the project
linelength=120 # Error filter
# -: filter, +: pass
filter=+whitespace/preprocess # It's not worth lint-gardening the file.
exclude_files=doc # The root directories are specified relative to CPPLINT.cfg dir
root= # The header extensions
headers= # rule.1
# Naming rules for file names
# 0: indifferent, 1: pure lowercase, 2: lowercase +_, 3: lowercase + digit +_, 4: uppercase, 5: uppercase + digit +_
# default: 3
lint_file_naming= # rule.2
# Whether copyright is required at the beginning of the file
# start of file
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_copyright_sof= # rule.3
# Whether a new line is required at the end of the file
# end of file
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_newline_eof= # rule.4
# Whether to disable TAB
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent
# default: -1
lint_use_tab= # rule.5
# The code line length
# 0: indifferent, >0: length
# default: 120
lint_line_length= # rule.6
# The number of lines in the function body
# 0: indifferent, >0: length
# default: 80
lint_function_line= # rule.7
# Number of Spaces to indent code.
# 0: indifferent, >0: length
# default: 4
lint_space_indent= # rule.8
# Whether extra space at the end of a line is allowed
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent
# default: -1
lint_space_eol= # rule.9
# Whether to allow multiple instructions in a row
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent
# default: -1
lint_multiple_cmd= # rule.10
# Whether blocks of code are required to use curly braces
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_block_braces= # rule.11
# Whether to leave a space before or after the keyword
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_space_keyword= # rule.12
# Whether to require 1 space before and after the operator
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_space_operator= # rule.13
# Whether to ask preprocessor keyword '#include|#define|if|#elif|#ifdef|#ifndef|#endif' thus
# 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_preprocess_thus= # rule.14
# For preprocessor keyword '#include|#define|if|#elif|#ifdef|#ifndef|#endif' allow space after '#'
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent
# default: -1
lint_preprocess_space= # rule.15
# Code Style selection
# 1. K&R
# if () {
# a = b;
# }
# 2. Allman
# if ()
# {
# a = b;
# }
# 3. Whitesmiths
# if ()
# {
# a = b;
# }
# 4. GNU
# if ()
# {
# a = b;
# }
# default: 1
lint_code_style= # rule.16
# The function name is lowercase +_
# 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 1
lint_func_naming= # rule.17
# Macro naming rules
# 0: indifferent, 1: uppercase +_, 2: uppercase + number +_
# default: 1
lint_macro_naming= # rule.18
# Enum naming rules
# 0: indifferent, 1: uppercase +_, 2: uppercase + number +_
# default: 1
lint_enum_naming= # rule.19
# Whether devil numbers are allowed
# -1: forbidden, 0: indifferent
# default: -1
lint_devil_numbers= # rule.20
# Comment style selection
# 0: indifferent, 1: //, 2: /**/
# default: 0
lint_comment_style= # rule.21
# Whether to disallow more than one consecutive blank line
# 0: indifferent, 1: forbidden
# default: 1
lint_blank_line= # rule.22
# Whether the type conversion using C-style cast (static_cast | const_cast | reinterpret_cast)
# 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 0
lint_cstyle_cast= # rule.23
# Whether to disallow multiple code statements on the same line
# eg: "a = 1; b = 2;", "if (1) { c = 3; }"
# 0: indifferent, 1: forbidden
# default: 1
lint_multiple_code= # rule.24
# Whether comments are required after '#endif'
# 0: indifferent, 1: required
# default: 0
  1. 配置文件的与Lint存放在同一级目录,一般是在项目顶级目录
  • 在Lint时会读取配置文件,其中的选项参数决定检查的规则,如果没有找见配置文件则Lint使用默认配置进行规则检查


  1. 文件名命名规则 [DONE]
  2. 文件首是否要求书写版权 [DONE]
  3. 文件尾是否要求新行 [DONE]
  4. 是否允许使用TAB [DONE]
  5. 代码行长度要求 [DONE]
  6. 函数体行数要求 [DONE]
  7. 代码缩进空格数 [DONE]
  8. 行尾多余空格是否允许 [DONE]
  9. 是否允许一行出现多条指令 [DONE]
  10. 是否要求代码块(if|else|for|while)使用花括号 [1] [DONE]
  11. 是否要求关键字前后留1个空格 [DONE]
  12. 是否要求运算符前后留1个空格(实现了部分) [TODO]
  13. 是否要求预处理关键字'#include|#>define|if|#elif|#if>def|#ifn>def|#endif'顶格 [DONE]
  14. 是否允许预处理关键字'#include|#>define|if|#elif|#if>def|#ifn>def|#endif'井号后有空格 [DONE]
  15. 代码风格选择(实现了'K&R', 'Allman') [TODO]
  16. 函数名命名规则为小写+_ [DONE]
  17. 宏命名规则 [DONE]
  18. 枚举命名规则 [1] [DONE]
  19. 是否允许出现魔鬼数字 [DONE]
  20. 注释风格选择 [DONE]
  21. 是否禁止连续空行超过1行 [DONE]
  22. 类型转换是否使用C-style cast(static_cast|const_cast|reinterpret_cast) [DONE]
  23. 是否禁止多条代码语句在同一行 [DONE]
  24. '#endif'后是否要求带注释 [DONE]


  • 使用pyinstaller工具将python文件打包成可执行文件,优势:只要windows环境就能运行

    [注]:python2.7不能直接安装,需要特定版本: pip2 install pyinstaller==3.2.1
  • 大家在使用过程中,发现任何bug及改进点欢迎提issue反馈给我


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  12. TexturePacker
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  18. 网关协议学习:CGI、FastCGI、WSGI
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  20. Git 远程仓库(分布式版本控制系统)


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